Transition Checklist

Transition Checklist

These are the steps we recommend for completing the transition from MySchoolAnywhere to Membership Toolkit.

1. Migrate Your Data

Once you are ready to migrate your data from your MySchoolAnywhere account into your Membership Toolkit account, you will need to access the Migration Worksheet.

2. Find Out Where Your Data Went

Wondering where all of your data went? After you complete the Migration Worksheet, see our article on Where Did My Data Go

3. Promote Students

We have a process for graduating students to the next grade level at the end of the year that is immediately available whenever you are ready to use it.

"Promoting Students" is part of our Year End Checklist of steps to help you get your website and database ready for the next school year.

4. Add Teacher Names

The teacher field is a Custom Field that is associated with the student record. The information that is in the custom field for teacher name is not connected to the data that is in your contact database.

Be sure your teacher list is up to date by Editing the List of Teachers.

5. Directory Settings

The secure, password-protected, Online Directory gives your membership access to your organization’s directory from any computer in the world. Administrators control who is included in your directory and who has access to your information. Users can opt-out and control which information is included.

You will need to Configure the Directory Settings to be sure your users have appropriate access to your directory.

6. Account Settings

It is very important that you keep the contact information for your account updated and current.
  1. Go to the Admin tab and click on Account Settings. Then go to the Address & Contact Info tab.

7. Payment Processor

You will need a payment processor in order to accept credit and debit card transactions for online purchases.  Membership Toolkit has several options for payment processing. Get help Choosing a Payment Processor or watch our Video on Payments and Credit Card Processing.

8. Update Your Home Page

Main Navigation Menu
Navigation is a menu that links to your website pages, a PDF document, or other web pages. If you have a Menu Entry in your navigation that should not be currently active, you can Disable It. Or, you can Create a New Menu Entry.

Your site is pre-loaded with buttons on our home page. Choose the ones you wish to keep, remove the others by Editing the Home Page. If you want the "School" button to link to your school's website, be sure you add a link to the button.

Welcome Message
You will want to add a message to your Home Page that welcomes users to your new website. You can add a message by Editing the Home Page.

Your website comes with a text version of the name of your organization. You can swap this out with a logo or graphic banner if you choose.

Website Webinars
New to managing a website? This webinar talks about how to edit your website, new trends, and the basics to good design. This webinar includes information on:
  1. Editing content
  2. Organizing your content
  3. How to insert pictures
  4. Adding links
  5. Publishing calendars
  6. Restricted content
  7. Calls to Action
  8. Administrator Access

9. Edit the Mobile App

This is possibly the best way for parents to access your signups, store and website. The Membership Toolkit App is available for free in the Apple Store and in Google Play. Before you send parents to the App:
  1. Set Up the Basic Configuration
  2. Customize the Welcome Screen
  3. Select the Navigation to be Displayed

10. Communicating with Parents

Regular communication with parents is best done through our Newsletter Tools found on the Communications tab on the Dashboard.
  1. Communication Lists - We have provided a couple of sample lists for you to view. You can edit these lists or Set Up your own Communication List.
  2. Newsletters - We have loaded several sample newsletter templates for you to use. You can Edit the Newsletter Content or Create your own Newsletter from scratch.
  3. Publicity and Announcements - We have Graphics for Newsletters, Social Media, or your Website ready for you to download and use.

11. Faculty Table - Optional

Faculty data will migrate over onto a content page as a table. You can activate this list/page for your members to view and update/edit the data just as you would any other content page. (Use the ESC key and click Edit Content at the top of the page.)

12. Sponsor List - Optional

Sponsors will be migrated into your Membership Toolkit account as a website content page. If you have images for these sponsors, they will be stored in an Imported Images folder in the "File Cabinet" (Dashboard / Files).

Sponsors can also be included in the Mobile App. You can add sponsors to your Mobile App Landing Page or use the content page of sponsors that was created during migration.

13. Create Forms for Sales - Optional

If you plan to sell products, you will need to create Sales Forms. We have loaded from samples for you under the Store & Forms tab on the Dashboard. We also have a series of videos that will guide you through the process of creating new sales forms. Or you can read about creating and editing as well as the many options available for Sales Forms in our Knowledge Base.

14. Create Volunteer Forms - Optional

 If you were using Signups, you will want to create Volunteer Forms under the Volunteers tab on the Dashboard. Learn how to Create a Volunteer Form and How Parents Sign Up. We also have a Volunteers Webinar you may find helpful for learning to use the Volunteer Tools and Reports.

Make sure you have changed the links on your current website that previously used to link to MSA and change them to link to your Membership Toolkit site. Be sure to include any directions needed to get to the Online Directory and the Mobile APP.
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