Where Did My Data Go?

Where Did My Data Go?


Your contacts have been migrated into your Membership Toolkit contact database with a contact status of Active. The Membership Toolkit system uses contact status to allow you to control and know who is currently active in your database. We don't purge or delete families that are no longer at your school. To view your contacts:
  1. go to Dashboard / People / Contact Records 

Before you launch your site for the back to school process, you may need to update the contact status for the records in your system.

Scenario 1 - you want to track which families have logged in at the beginning of the new year.
It is easy to track which families have logged in and confirmed that their family information is still correct and provided permission for their information to be included in the directory. To accomplish this, you will want to update all families with active contact status to an outdated contact status. When a family logs in, their contact status will be changed from outdated to active. You can send communications just to families that are in the outdated status reminding them that they need to register or confirm their directory publish preferences. 

After 45 days in outdated status, the family contact record will be automatically changed to an inactive status.

Scenario 2 - you cannot publish family information without them first providing permission.
If you need permission to publish any family information in the directory for the upcoming year, we recommend that you launch with your families in the inactive status. Family information will be presented in the directory with their contact status is either active or outdated.

To Mass Update Contact Status
Go to your Dashboard, select the people tab, choose the parent list.  From this screen you can filter your list of contacts, select all that should be updated, and then do a mass update.

Volunteer Signups

Your volunteer signups will migrate over as Volunteer Forms. Signup Genius links will not migrate.

All Volunteer Forms will initially be in Test Mode. You will need to change them to Active in order for parents to view them.
  1. Go to Dashboard / Volunteers / Forms

Store Items

Your store items will migrate over as products (SKUs) in the Catalog, You will need to build sales forms to sell your products. Think of each sales form as a grouping of like items (such as spirit wear, membership, etc.) You will add the products from the Catalog to the appropriate Sales Form.
  1. Go to Dashboard / Store & Forms / Catalog to view your products.

Email Templates

All of your active email templates will be migrated as Newsletters and can be found in the Communications area.
  1. Go to Dashboard / Communications / Newsletters / Sent Newsletters
To send out your migrated emails, you will need to Duplicate each one and edit before you re-send.

However, we recommend creating a new newsletter using one of the Membership Toolkit newsletter templates instead. The formatting and presentation will look much nicer.
  1. You will go to Communications / Newsletters / Draft Newsletters / Add Newsletter.
  2. Select a template (the Gray 2/3 Column is the easiest to work with and has the most flexibility.)
  3. Then copy/paste the content from your old email template to the new newsletter template. It might be easiest to open 2 browser tabs to do this.


If you have a table for sponsorships in your MSA account, you can have these migrated into your Membership Toolkit account as a website content page. If you have images for these sponsors, they will be stored in an Imported Images folder in the "File Cabinet" (Dashboard / Files). See more information about images below.

Sponsors can also be included in the Mobile App. You can add sponsors to your Mobile App Landing Page or use the content page of sponsors that was created during migration.


In MSA your faculty information was stored as a table in your account. If you choose to have this information migrated into your Membership Toolkit account, it will also present as a website content page. You can activate this list/page for your members to view and you can update/edit the data just as you would any other content page. (Use the ESC key and click Edit Content at the top of the page.)

If you have images for your faculty, they will be stored in an Imported Images folder in the "File Cabinet" (Dashboard / Files). See more information about images below.

Contact records will also be created for each faculty member.
  1. They will be automatically tagged as Faculty by a Custom Field.
  2. If there is already a contact record in the system for them, they will be listed as Parent and Faculty.
  3. You can sort your database and find them by going to Dashboard / People / Contact Records.
  4. Use the Filter button to filter the list by the Relationship field.

Images, Graphics, and PDFs

All images, graphics and PDFs will be loaded into the "File Cabinet" in a folder called Imported Images.
  1. Go to Dashboard / Files.
  2. It is very important that you leave them stored in this folder so that you don't "break" any links to them that are already in use on your site.
  3. If you'd like to reorganize them, we recommend first duplicating the file and then pasting it into a new folder.

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