Directory Access

Directory Access

The secure, password-protected Online Directory gives your membership access to your organization’s directory from any computer in the world. Administrators control who is included in your directory and who has access to your information.  Users can opt-out and control which information is included.

There are several ways to publish your directory using your Membership Toolkit account.
  1. online directory
  2. mobile app
  3. download excel reports and create a printed directory
  4. download one of the pdf reports available (people / reports / Printed Directory

Publishing the Directory on Your Website

To publish your Online Directory on your Membership Toolkit Website, you need to create a link to the directory.
  • Go to Website / Navigation.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the "add menu entry" button.
  • Create the Menu Entry Label for your Directory in your Navigation.

  • Use the Destination drop down field to connect it to your directory. "Directory" is under the Membership Toolkit "Standard" links.

  • Who can see this item? - Do you want the Navigation "button" visible to all or do you want to restrict it?
  • Open in New Window? - Do you want the directory to open on the user's current browser tab or in a new one?

Approving All New Contacts

Organizations have the option to restrict ALL NEW contacts from being able to access the directory until approved by an Administrator
Example:  A parent logs in and creates an account with your organization. At the time they log in they also purchase a membership. Your directory is set to allow all members access to the directory. If you choose to set your directory default to "NO", then the new user is not given access to the directory until the Administrator has removed the restriction from their account.
Automatic Directory Access

To edit the settings for Automatic Directory Access:
  • Go to People / Configuration / Directory.
  • Select "No, admins must explicitly grant access" if you want all directory access ONLY by manual admin approval.
  • Select "Yes, automatically grant access to new contacts" if you want directory access granted without manual admin approval when a user meets the directory conditions.

Approving Access to the Directory

From the People tab you can quickly see which users are being denied access to the directory. In the list of People this symbol indicates that the user is denied access to the directory.

To grant this user access to the directory, select the "toggle access" option.

Restricting Directory Access

Administrators can allow public access to directory information or restrict access to a Group or Groups. Administrators also have the authority to turn on and off access to the directory for individual Contacts.

  • Go to People / Contacts.
  • Admins can restrict access by using the "toggle access" button (see above) or by going into the Contact's Record and selecting the "Directory and Account" tab (see below).
  • A Directory Icon (see above) indicates that the user will NOT have access to the online directory.

Directory Access for Members Only

You can set your Online Directory so that it can only be viewed by users who have purchased Membership Status.
  • Go to People / Configuration / Directory / Directory Available to / Members Only.

When you set your Directory to be available to "Members Only" you do NOT need to update contact's Directory Settings on the People / Contacts screen in order to block them from viewing the directory. If they do not have Membership Status, they will not see the Directory.

The system may show that they have Directory Access, but what that is telling you is "If they meet the requirements for membership, then we will give them Directory Access."

If you toggle their access to "NO" and then they purchase a Membership, they will still not be able to see the Directory.

Administrators will always see the Directory.

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