Year End Checklist

Year End Checklist

The Year End Checklist is a list of all the steps that you need to complete at the end of the year as you transition your organization to a new year and new leadership. These steps must be completed by an Account Owner on your site.
  1. Go to Admin > Year End.
  2. Complete the items in the checklist, checking off each item as completed.
  3. The last few items will need additional configuration. Click the "configure" button to set these up. These scheduled items can happen either all at one time, or at different times, depending on the needs of your organization.
When setting your dates for the system rollovers to occur, it is important to keep this information in mind:
  1. 12:00 am is technically the next day.
  2. If yesterday was 6/29 - it was 6/29 all the way up to 11:59 pm. At 12:00 am (midnight) the "date" becomes 6/30. 12:00 am is the very first minute of the new day.
  3. So, if on the user's contact record it says info must be verified on 6/30 at 12:00 am, that is actually the exact moment at midnight when the date changes over to be 6/30.
For more information on each step in the checklist, download our complete Guide to Year End Transitions.

Steps to Complete the Year End Checklist

1) If you completed this process last year, you will need to Archive the old checklist first by clicking the blue "Archive" button at the bottom of the screen.

2) Update your account ownership contact information.

3) If you need to authorize additional users to act as owners of your Membership Toolkit account after you step down, do so by adding them to your Access Control list. Once you make the transition, they can remove your access to complete the hand-over.

4) Update the contact information and account information for your payment processor(s), bank accounts, and any domains you own.

5) Update the current year dates in your Membership Toolkit account by scheduling the roll-over of system dates and settings. When rolling over to a new year, you can configure the dates for the next year here, and schedule when you want to make the change.
The dates you type in the fields should be next year's dates. "This Year" refers to the current year/settings.

6) Update your database by promoting students to the next grade level. This tab allows you schedule when and how this will happen. Simply select which grade each student will promote "up" to, and whether or not to make them Inactive if they age out of your organization. You will also have the opportunity to update their Alumni Year (if you have a custom field for alumni_year). Most organizations use this to track the year a student "graduates" from their school.

Additionally, you can:
  1. Update Family Status - You can make families Inactive that no longer have Active students.
  2. Remove Directory Access - You can remove access to the directory for families that are becoming Inactive.
  3. Update Grade Label - If you use a date range (such as Grade 2018-2019) for the Grade Field Label, you can update it to next year's date range. This can also be found by going to People / Configuration / Student Form / "Grade" Label.

7) Duplicate forms that you want to use again in the new year and Archive old forms. This tab will allow you to define how you'd like to handle that when transitioning to the new year. When archiving forms, you can "stamp" them with a common identifier so that you can easily find them later.
All duplicated forms will be placed in Draft mode on your Store & Forms / Forms tab.

8) Schedule the archival of past message board posts. You can archive all posts for all of your message boards at once, or select them individually.

9) Update any custom fields. When moving to the next year, it's often helpful to be able to clear information in custom fields on Parent and Student records. You can schedule that to happen automatically on this tab.

Editing the List of Teachers

Many schools choose to add a list of teachers as a Custom Field in their database so they can sort their students for communication and deliveries.

Year End Transition Guide

For more information on each step in the checklist, download our complete Guide to Year End Transitions.

Year End Transition Webinar

Be prepared to complete the year end transition. This includes an overview of how the contact database works and how to assure that your year end transition does not leave you with a messy database. This does NOT cover how to close out your accounting books.
Topics that are covered:
  1. Contact Database
  2. Promoting students to the next grade
  3. Setting up your Membership Toolkit account for the next year

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