Updating Teachers

Updating Teachers

In Membership Toolkit, the teacher field is a Custom Field that is associated with the student record. The information that is in the custom field for teacher name is not connected to the data that is in your contact database.

First, be sure your teacher list is up to date by Editing the List of Teachers.
  1. Go to the Dashboard / People / Configuration / Custom Fields.
  2. Find the field for classroom teacher and select "edit" on the right side of the screen.
  3. On the Presentation tab, find the Options field.
  4. Edit or Add teacher names.
Keep in mind that editing/changing the "Options" in a custom field that has already been selected by your users will break all of the current records recorded for that option. This means that if you change a teacher name after a user has already selected it, the user's record will not automatically be updated with the new name. If you must edit an option, we recommend downloading a list of the people associated with the option you are editing so that you can go back and manually edit their records with the new option.

We recommend typing 2 or 3 spaces and a hard return as the first choice so that the default value of the field is blank and does not automatically default to the first choice in your list. Or you could use "Unknown" as your first choice.

VERY IMPORTANT! - DO NOT USE COMMAS in your list of options. Use only hyphens or underscores if needed. Otherwise, it will cause problems with adding/using form conditions and your auto-populating lists and groups will not populate correctly.

Connecting Students and Teachers

Once your List of Teachers is updated, you can begin updating the Students with their correct classroom. The easiest way to do this is to filter the Student List by grade.
  1. Go to Dashboard / People / Student List.
  2. Apply the filter for the appropriate grade level.
  3. Select all the students in a particular class.
  4. Use the Update Checked button to update the students.

You can also make the Teacher Custom Field available for parents to update as they log on an update their Family Information each year.

Updating Grade Level Choices

If you need to update the Grade Level Options presented on the student form, you will go to Dashboard / People / Configuration / Student Form and Edit the Grade Level Choices.

If you want to add teachers to your contact database, you will follow the same procedure for adding parent or other contacts.

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