Faculty Migration

Faculty Migration

Adding Faculty

Faculty data will migrate over onto a content page as a table. You can activate this list/page for your members to view and update/edit the data just as you would any other content page. (Use the ESC key and click Edit Content at the top of the page.)

Contact records will also be created for each faculty member.
  1. They will be automatically tagged as Faculty by a Custom Field.
  2. If there is already a contact record in the system for them, they will be listed as Parent and Faculty.
  3. You can sort your database and find them by going to Dashboard / People / Contact Records.
  4. Use the Filter button to filter the list by the Relationship field.

Faculty Pictures

Will faculty pictures be migrated?

If you have faculty pictures, they will be migrated into the faculty table in your Membership Toolkit account. They will also be stored in the "File Cabinet" in a folder called Imported Images.
  1. Go to Dashboard / Files.
  2. It is very important that you leave them stored in this folder so that you don't "break" any links to them that are already in use on your site.
  3. If you'd like to reorganize them, we recommend first duplicating the file and then pasting it into a new folder.

The faculty table is currently a website content page that you can make viewable to your parents or only to your admins or to no one.

Parent Access to the Faculty List

Parents can see the Faculty List by viewing the Content Page for your Faculty.

Once your Faculty members are part of your Contact Database, you could also choose to include them in your online directory (if this is acceptable to your organization). To do this, you will need to edit the Custom Field for Relationship to be sure it is set up to present as part of the Directory Search Options.
  1. Go to Dashboard / People / Configuration / Custom Fields.
  2. Choose to "edit" the Relationship field.
  3. On the Visibility tab, change the settings for Present in Directory and Directory Search to Yes.
  4. Be sure to add a Directory Label, too.

Faculty Volunteers & Purchases

Once your Faculty members are part of your Contact Database, they will also be eligible to sign up to volunteer and make purchases on your site. They will each have their own unique login using their email address. They will create their own password and can manage their own account information.

Faculty Communications

Once your Faculty members are part of your Contact Database, you will be able to set up Groups to communicate with your entire list of teachers and staff or individual classes.
  1. Go to Dashboard / Communications / Communication Lists / Add List.
  2. You can use the Auto Add Conditions to create a list for Faculty Only or to have Individual Classroom Lists for each teacher and their students (parents.)

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