Sending a Newsletter Start to Finish

Sending a Newsletter Start to Finish

Newsletters are created and sent through the Communications tab on the Dashboard.

Step 1 - Create a Communications List

  1. Go to the Communication Lists tab / add list.
  2. Email addresses can be added to a list manually.
  3. Email addresses can be added to a list using the Auto-Subscribe feature.

Step 2 -  Create a Newsletter/Choose a Template

When creating a newsletter, there are 5 template options to choose from.
  1. Go to the Newsletters / Draft Newsletters tab / add newsletter.
  2. Select a template.

Option #1 - The Basic Email Template
  1. Single block for text, images and links.
  2. Example:

Option #2 - Two Column Left Rail
  1. Basic Email template with a full-width header, a main content area, and a left rail.
  2. This is the most difficult of the templates to format and use.
  3. Example:

Option #3 - Gray 2/3 Column
  1. Gray 2 and 3 Column newsletter with placeholders for graphics, blocks for headers and other formatted sections.
We recommend the Gray 2/3 Column Template - It is the easiest to format and has the most options for presentation.
  1. Example:

Option #4 - Fixed Width Basic
Option #5 - Full Width Basic
These templates are mobile responsive and feature:
  1. more options for customizing design colors
  2. additional blocks including a pre-formatted button block and a captioned image block
  3. the ability to toggle between desktop and mobile view
  4. go to Communications > Email & Newsletters > Draft Tab > Create Email Newsletter
For best presentation on these templates it is recommended to only add images in the designated image blocks rather than within a content block.

Step 3 - Attach the Communications List to the Newsletter

In the Send Settings Pop Up Box:
  1. Select which Communications List the newsletter should go to. You can select more than one list.
  2. From Name - A friendly name users will recognize.
  3. Reply-to-Address - An email that will receive and respond to replies.
  4. Subject - What the newsletter is about.
  5. Schedule to Send at - When should the newsletter be sent? (The newsletter won't automatically go out at the time selected unless you "release" it. See below.)
  6. Save.

Step 4 - Edit the Newsletter Content

The newsletter is configured in blocks. Each template has one or more blocks pre-loaded. You can add, delete, and rearrange the blocks.
  1. To edit a block, click on the text or image inside of it. A content editor toolbar will pop up and allow you to format your information.
  1. Using the guidelines for the size of your graphics that ares given when you add the various blocks will help keep everything lined up. 
  2. It is also really important when you copy and paste content that you remove all of the formatting for that text.
  3. Do not use the Grammarly Plug In for your browser with newsletters. It drops in code that is NOT compatible with email clients.
  4. More Tips for Newsletters

Step 5 - Test the Newsletter

It is a really good idea to test your newsletter before you send it out to your entire communications list. You can send a Test Copy to one or more email addresses. Have your "testers" check any links to be sure they are working properly.

Step 6 - Release the Newsletter

You must "Release" a newsletter before it will be sent to your communications list. (even if you have selected a date/time in the Send Settings) Releasing the newsletter will allow you to schedule when it will be sent if you haven't previously set this.

After a newsletter has been released, it will appear under the Scheduled Newsletters tab.
  1. You can duplicate the newsletter to use again.
  2. You can un-schedule the newsletter to make changes.

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