Turning On and Configuring the Faculty Module

Turning On and Configuring the Faculty Module

Turning On the Faculty Module

An Account Owner must activate the Faculty Module.
  1. Go to Admin > Account Settings > Modules.
  2. Use the "activate and configure" button to turn on the module. You will be taken directly to the configuration for the module.

Configuring the Faculty Module

Before you start adding faculty to your Faculty List, you should configure and set up your options for the list. You can customize the information you want to collect. From the Modules tab, click the "configure" button. OR
  1. Go to People > Configuration > Faculty Module.
Faculty Types:
The types of faculty members you'd like to define. You can remove/add/edit any of these types to fit your organization's needs.
If you have already collected data using the current options, keep in mind that changing the options will not automatically update the faculty data. If you need to edit an option, we recommend adding the new option first, then filter your Faculty List and update those with the "old label" to the new label. Then go back and remove the old option label from the list.

Custom Fields:
You can add fields to collect any additional information you need for your Faculty List. These are very similar to the Custom Fields you may be using for your parents and students. You will be asked to enter the Field Name, Label, and Type of Field. 
The Salutation, First & Last Name, Grade, and Email Address are standard fields, so you don't need to add these.
Field Types
  1. Checkboxes - Allows you to be able to select more than one option.
  2. Select Box (drop down) - Choose from a list of preset choices that will "drop down".
  3. Radio Buttons - Allows you to select only one option.
  4. Text (multiple lines) - The text will word wrap.
  5. Date - A calendar will pop up so you can select a date.
  6. Text (single line) - Limits to the number of characters that will fit in the width of the field.
  7. Web Link - Allows you to be able to add a URL in the Faculty List. You will be able to add both a Site Label as well as the URL. (Note: Email addresses and phone numbers are automatically hyperlinked.)

Viewing the Faculty List

When you are ready to view and/or add faculty to the Faculty List:
  1. Go to People > Faculty List.
  2. You can add faculty, download the list to excel, filter the list, or update one or more entries on the list.

The Faculty List is completely separate and not associated with your contact database. If you want faculty to make purchases and/or volunteer, we recommend they create an account and log in.

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