Using Message Boards

Using Message Boards

The purpose of Message Boards is to provide a way for one or two users to be able to send quick communications to a group of people.
*Currently, this feature is available to Essentials, Premium, & Concierge customers only.

Examples of when to use Message Boards:
  1. A teacher page to post classroom reminders and announcements
  2. Band Trip Chaperones - a page where the coordinator can send updates to all chaperones. Chaperones can turn on the option to receive messages as app notifications.

Difference Between Website Page Comments & Message Boards

Website page comments allow users to reply to posted messages. Email notifications for replies are gathered in batches and sent in 4 hour intervals. Message Boards only allow posts from approved users and there is not an opportunity for users to reply to posted messages.

Message Boards Webinars

Message Board Webinars
(Scroll to and expand the Communications - Message Boards section)

Group Members

If you are in the group, you can access the website page for the message board and you will receive an email (or app notification) each time a post is added.

Additional Group Members
After defining the group that will be included for a message board, you can add additional group members.  Additional group members will have access to the message board and they will receive emails when a new message is posted.

Who Can Edit Page and Make Posts

Choose who can edit the page and make posts. If the user is not part of the initial group, they will be added. You do not need to add a user who can post as an additional group member.

Message Board Page

Publishing Message Board Pages in Navigation

After you Create your first message board, you will need to create two Navigation Menu Entries.
  1. The first is the top header that will say "Message Boards". The destination field is left blank and visibility should be logged in users.
  2. The second item is for the board you created. This becomes a sub-menu of your Message Board tab.
Go to Website > Navigation to create new navigation items. You will have the option to choose a message board. Only group members will see the message boards that apply to them.

Message Board Communication Lists

When you create a new message board, a corresponding Communication List is created for the message board. Users will have the option to opt out of receiving future message board announcements.

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