Posting on Message Boards

Posting on Message Boards

When a Message Board has been set up, one or two people are given access to ‘Make Edits/Post’ on that board. (they do not have to be Admins) They will be able to Post a Message, Edit/Delete an old message, or Edit the Preamble. Here are directions you can provide:
  1. Go to your website and Log In. You must be logged in for the system to recognize you have rights to post.
  2. Choose your message board from the drop down list under Message Boards.

Editing the Preamble:

  1. To Edit the Preamble, click the ‘Edit Page’ button. A text box will appear that you can write in, edit your text, font, size, etc. or add a hyperlink.
  2. Click ‘save changes’ and your preamble will be saved.
  3. An email to the members of the message board is NOT generated when you adjust the preamble.

Posting a Message:

  1. To Post a Message, click on the ‘add message’ button.
  2. Add your Message Title, this is the subject line of the email that will be sent to your Message Board Members.
  3. Add your message to the “Message Body” section.  
  4. To add an attachment, click the ‘Choose File’ and upload the file from your computer (file must be .pdf, .jpeg or .png).
This will NOT access your site’s file cabinet nor will it add the file to it. 
  1. Click ‘Save and Send Notifications’.  This will post your message as well as send an email to everyone on your message board.  They can read the message in its entirety from their email, or log and visit your message board to the message, download the attachment and see all previous messages.

Editing/Removing a Post:

  1. To edit or remove a post you’ve previously posted, hover over the message and a ‘delete message’ and ‘edit message’ button will appear.
  2. Click on the ‘delete message’ and the system will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the message.
  3. Click ‘yes’ and the message will be deleted and no notification will be sent.
  4. To edit the message, click ‘edit message’.  The text box will appear and you can edit your message as well as the subject (you can also indicate it is an edited message).
  5. Click ‘save’.
  6. Your edited message will save and an email will be sent to everyone on your message board with the updated message.

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