Setting Up a PaySimple Account

Setting Up a PaySimple Account

If you are a non-profit and are applying to receive the non-profit transaction rates, you must complete your Non-Profit Registration BEFORE applying with PaySimple.

There are two options for creating your PaySimple account.

OPTION 1 - Work One-On-One with PaySimple to set up Your Account

To assist Membership Toolkit Customers - PaySimple has Customer Support staff that are available to help you complete your application. If you would prefer to work one-on-one with their team, complete their online form and they will reach out to you.

OPTION 2 - Complete the application within your Membership Toolkit Account

Completing the Online Application

  1. Start by completing the online application under admin / payment configuration

There is a lot of important information included here. Please read through it all to assure that you correctly setup your account.

Step 1 - Information You Will Need to Create Your Account

You will need the following information:
  1. Federal Tax Id Number (EIN Number)
  2. Bank Routing Number & Account Number for deposits
  3. Volumes
  1. Monthly sales to be processed: This is an average, not a ceiling. It is important to be accurate and not over estimate to ensure a quicker approval time. PaySimple will grow with a business/non-profit and volumes can be increased as a business/non-profit needs to process more.
  2. Average amount of a sale or invoice – This is a typical transaction size. This should be a common sale amount that occurs often. This too is an average, not a ceiling.
  3. Estimated high amount of sale or invoice – This is a limit and you will not be able to process ACH payments higher than this amount. This should be the largest one-time transaction that is processed often.

The Standard/Personal Guarantee Application:
From PaySimple:  A Personal Guarantee Application is our standard application (and standard for all merchant account providers) and requires there to be a “signer” on the account. This application provides the fastest approval time but it does require that the signer provide their social security number and technically be the “guarantor” for the account. The "guarantor" can be changed/updated at any time without having to create a new account.

You will need to submit the following documentation to complete the application:
  1. Credit Card – None
  2. ACH – We will first submit through our auto-approval. If not auto-approved then we’ll need:
  1. Voided check or bank letter
  2. Business license/DBA license
  3. 2 months of business bank statements (if requested volumes are higher)
  4. 2 years of business financials (if requested volumes are highest)

Step 2 - Applying For Your PaySimple Account

  1. Go to Admin / Payment Configuration / PaySimple. (You must have Account Owner Administrator Access.)
  2. Complete the online application by clicking the "Apply for Merchant Account" button.
  3. The electronic application is comprised of 13 fields and typically takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

To identify yourself as a non-profit and qualify for MCC code 8398:
  1. Business type = Nonprofit
  2. Industry (Products/Services) = Social Services, Government, Non-Profits
  3. Sub Industry (Types of Products/Services) = Charitable Organization

*Please note – MCC code is determined by the above as well as other information found during the underwriting process. The above does not guarantee MCC code 8398 will be assigned.

When asked about your monthly volume - be sure to list the highest month. If you have a membership drive in one month and during the membership drive you will collect $X, then $X should be the value that you enter for your monthly volume.

Step 3 – Read and Agree to Your Customer Agreement with PaySimple


Step 4 – Submit your application

  1. After your application has been processed and approved, you will receive a "Welcome, you are approved" email.
  2. A code will be sent directly to Membership Toolkit Customer Support to activate your account within 24-48 hours (during business days).
  3. Once Membership Toolkit enters the code, you will be able to take payments directly from your account.
  4. Membership Toolkit will notify you once you are fully enabled to accept all of the payment types you have applied for.

Step 5 – Connect Your Membership Toolkit Account to Your PaySimple Account

Once your PaySimple account is set-up you can connect it to your Membership Toolkit account and begin accepting payments.

  1. Go to Admin / Payment Configuration
  2. Choose the PaySimple tab and select "YES" to make the PaySimple account active.
  3. When your application has been approved by PaySimple, a code will be sent to Membership Toolkit Customer Support to enter your API User Name and API Key. You do not need to worry about entering the key. Your account owners will receive an email once the API information has been entered for you. When that is completed, you are ready to go live.
If you are using Membership Toolkit's Accounting features, be sure your ledger accounts are set correctly.

Step 6 - Complete the PCI DSS Compliance Certification

All PaySimple customers are required to complete a short online questionnaire about PCI Compliance. This is intended to assure that you understand your responsibilities with keeping credit card information secure. The good news is that the security of the credit card information is handled by PaySimple. Neither Membership Toolkit or your administrators will have access to the credit card information. 

Click Here for Instructions on how to complete the compliance certification.
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