Incoming Students & Spring Sales

Incoming Students & Spring Sales

Many elementary schools host a Kindergarten Round-Up in the spring to register incoming students for the following school year. Secondary schools also have students that will be transitioning from one school to the next. If you don't already have one, it is a good idea to add an Incoming Grade Field to your Student Form to capture information for your new parents and potential volunteers!

Adding a Grade Level Option

You will want to add a grade level option for "Incoming Kindergarten," "Incoming 6th Grader," etc. to avoid mixing current students with those coming in.
  1. Go to Dashboard > People > Configuration > Student Form.
  2. Scroll down to Grade Level Choices and add your incoming option.
  3. For further information, see our article: Modifying Grade Level Options
Once you are done with the school year and ready to promote students to the next grade, you will use our Year End Checklist. This will automatically move all incoming kindergartners to kindergarten, all current kindergartners to 1st grade, all 1st graders to 2nd grade, etc.

Potential Volunteers

To capture potential volunteers, be sure your form for Volunteer Opportunities for the next school year is updated and active. You will want to duplicate last year's form (do NOT copy over current volunteers) and create a new one with a new title and any additional opportunities you'd like to add. You might also want to place Form Conditions on all current forms you do not want new families to see.

Membership Pre-Sales

Many schools begin pre-selling memberships for the upcoming school year in the spring.  It is very important to remember to:
  1. Update your membership expiration dates on all of your membership SKUs
  2. Duplicate your old membership form and create a new one.
  3. For further information, see our article: Tips and Examples for Spring Sales 

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