When it's time to ask parents to update their family information for the next school year, you used to send them a confirmation email. Parents would click on the link in the email to confirm their family information and would NOT need to login.
When a user creates an account or an inactive user logs in and verifies their family's information, a data expiration date is set for that family's record. This date controls the contact's status and allows organizations to know which contacts are active or need to update or confirm their information.
When a parent's contact record becomes Outdated or Inactive, they will be prompted to update their family information the next time they log in.
If you still want to send an email to all parents that asks them to log in and update their information, you can do so on the Communications tab. You will set up a
Communication List that will contain the parents' email addresses and then attach the list to your email (Newsletter.) Using the Newsletter tool allows much more flexibility for your communications and allows you to keep track of what you send and who your are sending to. We have a handy guide that breaks down the steps and walks you through
Sending a Newsletter Start to Finish.