Updating Contact Status Expiration

Updating Contact Status Expiration

All contacts in your Membership Toolkit Account have a Contact Data Expiration Date. When a user creates an account or an inactive user logs in and verifies their family's information, a data expiration date is set for that family's record.

Updating Contact Expiration Using the Year End Transitions Tool

  1. Go to Admin / Year End / Schedule the roll-over of system dates and other important system settings.

BEST PRACTICE For Setting Contact Expiration Date:
Most schools and parent organizations set their contact data expiration date for June 30.


Manually Changing All Active Contacts to Outdated

If you are planning a big launch for registration or sales prior to the current contact expiration date, you may want to consider updating all of your active contact’s statuses to outdated.
  1. Go to Admin / Account Utilities / Make Contacts Outdated.
*We rarely recommend using this option during the school year.

Setting Contacts Back to Active

For organizations with an "Opt-Out" policy, Account Owners can set all contacts back to Active Status at the end of the Contact Interval period. (The default for this setting is Inactive.)

We recommend updating this setting BEFORE your contacts expire for this year.
  1. Go to Admin > Account Settings > Dates & Times.

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