Sales and Form Reports

Sales and Form Reports

There are several reports that capture sales.

Form Report

This report includes all data specific to this form including data fields and time of purchase.
  1. Find your form on the Store & Forms tab.
  2. Select the blue "report" button next to the form or select the blue number in the column "ordered."
  3. Choose the dates for your data and how you want it sorted.
  4. To download the report, select either matrix or detail next to the excel icon in the top right corner.

Filtering Form Reports

  1. Using the blue "change filter" button, you can filter your list by:
Status - The Status choices are those who have:
  1. not submitted the form (incomplete and pending orders)
  2. completed but not submitted the form
  3. completed and submitted
  4. skipped the form altogether
Current Member or Student Data? - This allows you to either use the current data for your Contacts or to use the data that was current at the time their order was placed.

You can also filter by Grade, Teacher, Connection to the Organization, and any of the other Custom Fields you have in place.

**Don't forget to click "Apply Filter" after you've made your selections. Also, be sure to remember to select the dates for the data you wish to display.

You also have the option to select Contacts from your filtered list and email them if you'd like. As a Form gets ready to expire near the end of a selling period, you may want to contact those who have not ordered to give them one last chance to purchase.

Ordered Items Report

The Ordered Items Report will show you all of your active SKUs and their financial category. Clicking on the blue numbers in the "Qty to Deliver" column will present you with a list of orders and who they need to be delivered to.

This is the BEST Report to use when you are placing an order for products sold.
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Reports.
  2. Select the Ordered Items Report under "Sales and Form Reports."
  3. Choose the dates for your data and the SKU Category if you wish.
  4. Select the specific SKU QTY to view the orders.

Items NOT Ordered Report

The Items NOT Ordered Report produces an on-screen report of contacts in your organization that have not ordered specific products in your catalog.
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Reports.
  2. Select the Items NOT Ordered Report under "Sales and Form Reports."
  3. Choose the date range for your data.
  4. On the Filters tab, select a Product Category to include all of the SKUs in that category, or choose a Specific SKU(s).
  5. Select "Which Contacts" you want to include in the report. (The default is set for all Active Contacts.) These work like form conditions in that each row of conditions is "ANDed" together and all selected conditions must match to be included in the report.
  6. After you make your selections, click the "apply" button.

  1. From the report you can use the checkboxes to select users and send them a Quick Email.
  2. Use the "Filters" button to change your selections.

Orders Report

The Orders Report produces an on-screen list of all orders for a given date range, including totals, payments, and balances due.  It is sorted by order number and can be filtered to show only Orders with a Balance Due or Orders with Overpayment.
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Orders. You can also view this report from Store & Forms > Reports > Orders.
To view the specific orders, click on the blue Order Number.

Ordered Items by Form Report

The Ordered Items by Form report produces an excel download report of ordered items, grouped by form, for a given date range.
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Reports > Sales & Form Reports > Ordered Items by Form.
  2. Select the date range.
  3. Select the custom field (if any) you'd like the report categorized by.
  4. Since this report can be categorized by fields that contain user data, Member View Access is needed (in addition to Forms View/Edit) to download this report.

Ordered Products Matrix Report

The Ordered Products Matrix produces an excel spreadsheet that is a master list of all products, listed alphabetically by SKU and sorted by who ordered them. The on-screen size of this report in excel is very large so you may have to re-size the cells to make it suitable for printing.

This report includes all items sold by SKU and Options.  The report is by family or student and includes all orders for the year for each family on one line item. This report does not include the data that is specific to each purchase.
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Reports.
  2. Select the Ordered Product Matrix under "Sales and Form Reports."
  3. Enter the dates for the data you wish to capture and select "Download Excel."

Forms NOT Submitted Report

The Forms NOT Submitted Report produces an on-screen report of contacts in your organization that have not completed a specific form.
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Reports.
  2. Select the Forms NOT Submitted Report under "Sales and Form Reports."
  3. Choose the date range for your data.
  4. On the Filters tab, select a Form. Form choices are presented based on their presentation on the Store & Forms > Forms tab.
  5. Select "Which Contacts" you want to include in the report. (The default is set for all Active Contacts.) These work like form conditions in that each row of conditions is "ANDed" together and all selected conditions must match to be included in the report.
  6. After you make your selections, click the "apply" button.

  1. From the report you can use the checkboxes to select users and send them a Quick Email.
  2. Use the "Filters" button to change your selections.

Report Dates

The reports will pull information on sales based on your current year dates. You can edit the dates if needed.  For example, your current year dates are January 1 - December 31.  You began selling memberships in December and now want to run a report in February for total membership sold in this campaign. Change the dates for the report to December 1 - today.

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