Editing an Order

Editing an Order

Adding an Item to an Existing Order

If you need to add an additional product to an order, you can edit the order.
  • Open the order by clicking the blue order number.
  • Select the blue "add line item..." button.
  • Follow the steps below.

  1. Select the Form - The line item (SKU) being purchased should be connected to the form where it is being sold.  If it is not connected to the form, the sale will not show up on the Form Reports.
  2. Select the SKU (line item)
  3. Option - If there are options associated with the SKU chosen, you will need to choose one.
  4. Cost - This will auto-populate from the SKU information, but you can enter a different amount if you need to.
  5. Quantity - How many are being purchased?
  6. Tax - Should sales tax be added to the sale of this item?
  7. Student - Should the sale of this item to be tagged to a student on the account?
This is important for consistency on your reports. If either your form or your line item are set Per Student, be sure to enter this information. This is especially helpful if the item is to be delivered to the student. However, do not specify a student if the form is per family and the line item is not set to per student.

Canceling An Order

To cancel an order that has NOT been paid, simply open the order and click the red "cancel order" button.

Important Note: When the order is canceled, it is removed from the Financial Order Report.

To locate the order, there are two options:
  1. Go to People / Select the User / Contact Information / Orders / Select the Order Number.
  2. Go to Store & Forms / Orders / Select the Order Number.

Before the order cancellation is complete, you will have the opportunity to provide a reason why you are canceling the order. We recommend you always include notes so you can remember why the order was canceled in a few months or in case another member of you team needs access to the information.

To cancel an order even AFTER it has been paid, first "return" the items, issue the refund, then cancel the order. See detailed steps below:

Processing a Return

If someone accidentally buys more of an item than they meant to, or if they simply no longer want an item and would like to return it, Admins can remove the line item from order and issue a refund.

When issuing a refund on an order, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you follow these steps in this order!!

  • Open the user's Contact Record and click on the Orders tab.
  • Click on the Order Number.
  • If the user ordered too many of something, use the edit icon to change the quantity.
  • If the user no longer wants/needs the item, delete the line item by clicking on the red trash can icon.
  • Once you do this the user will have an amount to refund.
  • Then, you can click on the blue refund button and tell the system how the refund will occur (such as writing them a check, applying an account credit to be used later, or making a credit card refund.)

If you have removed ALL of the line items from an order and issued a full refund, we recommend canceling the order. This will remove it from the Financial Order Report.

Refund Worksheet

If you need to refund items in bulk, you can use the Refund Worksheet. This report produces an on-screen worksheet that allows you to refund many SKUs across many orders at once and optionally issue account credits. This is particularly useful if you pre-sell an item and it isn't able to be fulfilled or if an event gets cancelled.
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Reports.

Moving an Order to a New Form

It is sometimes necessary to move orders from one form to another. For example, if you started using last year's form instead of duplicating it and making a new one.

Moving orders to a new form is best done when there are not a lot of orders already placed on the old form.

  • Open the order that was placed on the wrong form.
  • Add a line item for one of the items purchased and be sure to select the new form from the drop down.
  • If you want the order to be tied to a student, be sure to select that as well.

  • Continue to add all of the line items that were purchased on the wrong form, connecting them to the new form.
  • Delete the line items from the order that were purchased and connected to the wrong form.

It is important to ADD the new line items before you delete the old line items!

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