Why should we have users Register on our site?

Why should we have users Register on our site?

There are many benefits to having users register (create an account) on your site.
  1. Building your contact database - everything starts with your contact database! The directory is built off of your contact database, communications are sent to groups of your database, you choose which contacts have access to content, and you collect information that you need for your school or organization.
  2. Directory Access - most organizations want to keep their directory information private and only for users in their organization. The only way to do this is to restrict access to logged in users or those with Membership. Either way, users must be registered on your site to access it.
  3. Communications - it is easier to send emails and newsletters to users who are registered on your site. You can set up auto-populating lists/groups that you send communication to on a regular basis.
  4. Volunteers - volunteer forms/signups are only accessible to registered users. This allows you to keep track of those who have been background checked and helps prevent unknown people from volunteering.
  5. Reporting - your sales and volunteer reports are built from the information stored in your contact database. Whether you need to track sales or deliver products, the best way to get good, clean reports is to tie your sales to logged in users. This is another reason why we recommend using Sales Forms instead of a Store for on-going product sales and membership sales.
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