What Data is Migrated?

What Data is Migrated?

MSA Email Lists – Why They Are Not Going to Transfer

Assuring that you email is delivered is one of the most important jobs we have. We spend a lot of development time to this task.
Our goal is to consistently deliver more than 98% of emails that are sent from Membership Toolkit. This is a lofty goal and we are proud that right now our reputation score is above a 99.
There are a couple of things that are important to assuring that we maintain this high score. The most important is that we follow the canSPAM rules which allows someone who has received an email the option to unsubscribe from receiving future emails. This applies to any “news” that you are sending to your families.
To allow a parent to choose which communications they would like to receive and to unsubscribe, you must have a communication list. The email lists that are available in MSA do not translate to a communication list within Membership Toolkit. 
Our Communication Lists allow you to make ‘smart lists’ that will automatically subscribe and unsubscribes parents or students from email lists as they meet or no longer meet the criteria for that newsletter list. Your users will be able to unsubscribe to a specific list.

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