A "Store" can be created on a website content page as a way to sell products without creating a form. It can be accessed by both logged in users as well as Guest users.
- You can have multiple Stores.
- There is no limit to the number of items in each Store.
- Items will be displayed in a grid of blocks.
- The page automatically updates based on your selection of specific SKUs or a category of SKUs.
- Access to Stores can be limited by a user being logged in, not logged in, membership, member of a group, etc.
- You can link to a Store by URL or by linking to it in the Navigation.
- On the cart/check out screen, line items that were selected from a Store rather than a form will be listed as such.
- There is a macro which allows you to insert an item for sale anywhere you can publish content.
For example, you could have a block in the left rail of your home page that features a new spirit wear shirt. Orders can be placed directly from there without having to visit the spirit wear page or finding the product on a form.
Pros & Cons of Using a Store
Wondering if/when you should use a Store instead of a Form?
- Stores are best used when you are selling products with images and you want to "display" the products on a website page. They are good for one-time purchases where you can sell to the general public, generate a list of buyers, and have a designated pick-up window where buyers can pick-up their goods. Some examples are flower/plant sales, holiday wreaths, baked goods, etc.
- Forms are best used when you need more flexibility such as collecting/editing data and better reporting. Some examples are membership sales, donations, spirit wear sales, ticket sales, etc.
- If you want to use a Store for spirit wear items, it is best if it is a limited item that will be sold and picked up at a particular time. We do not recommend you use a Store for ongoing spirit wear sales that require delivery to a student.
Pros - Reasons to Use Stores
- Improved presentation for guest orders. No Guest Form needed.
- You can add links directly to a Store into your navigation.
- The macro allows orders to be placed directly from a specific product without having to visit the content page or finding the product on a form.
- You can add products to a Store based on their financial category with one simple click rather than selecting each item individually. New products in the same category will automatically be added.
- Deactivated products are automatically removed from a Store.
- You can customize the URL slug used to link to the Store.
Cons - Reasons NOT to Use Stores
- Products purchased from a Store will not be presented on any Form Report.
- Stores will not present in your list of Open Forms.
- You can't add data fields to a Store.
- You can't edit or override the sales information for a product, so whatever is listed in the catalog is how the product will be shown, priced, etc.
- Purchases from a store can't be tied directly to a student for classroom delivery.
- The Required Form Setting will NOT apply in cases where users are checking out for an individual Store. Meaning, if a user has items their cart from a Store, they will be able to check out even if a required form has not been completed.
Checkout and Reporting
The system will track items that were placed in the cart from a Store. Items that were placed in the cart using the Product Buy Box Macro will be listed under a “General Store” section.
1. Product purchased from a specific Form
2. Product purchased from a "Product Buy Box"
3. Product purchased from a specific Store
- You can remove items from your cart directly from the cart screen by clicking the “remove” link to the right of each line item.
- You can edit any purchase from a Store by clicking the "visit store" link.
Since products purchased from a Store are not purchased from a form, there will be no representation of these sales on any form report.
- You can view the sales of products in a Store from the Ordered Items and Fulfillment Worksheet reports. *These are the best reports to use for ALL product fulfillment since products can be ordered from several places.
- Sales from a store are tracked back to the member that made the purchase. No students are specifically assigned to the sales, so that has to be retrieved from the member record.
- If you allow purchases by people not logged in (i.e. guest purchases) only purchaser information is captured.