Update - Contact Status Date Options

Update - Contact Status Date Options

For organizations with an "Opt-Out" policy, Account Owners can now set all contacts back to Active Status at the end of the Contact Interval period. (The default for this setting is Inactive and is recommended for organizations that follow an "Opt-In" policy.)

We recommend updating this setting BEFORE your contacts expire for this year.

"Ignore" Option
With the uncertainty of many schools' in-person start dates, you might want to allow your contacts to have more time to update their family information and publish preferences while still remaining in the directory.

You now have the option to adjust your settings to "Ignore" the shift from Outdated to Inactive once the number of days in the specified Interval has been reached.
  1. Go to Admin > Account Settings > Dates & Times. (Account Owners only)
  2. Changes to this option will only apply if you are still within the Interval period.
  3. More About Contact Status Expiration

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