Tracking Students from Year to Year

Tracking Students from Year to Year

Best Practice – Creating Alumni
Keep track of which students belong to which "class" by using an admin only field to track their graduation year.  It is a good idea to use the year that the students will be graduating from high school. If you transfer students between Membership Toolkit accounts (elementary to middle school) this assures that all are using the same method.

Adding in Grade Option for Alumni

  1. Go to People / Configuration / Student Form and add in a new option for Alumni.

When editing the grade level options do NOT edit the current options available. Instead, add an Alumni option to the bottom of the list. Grade level options are set up as follows:
1st Grade|1
What you want presented to the parent(horizontal pipe)information presented in your reports

You may also want to track what year they became alumni. This can be done through a Custom Field.

Adding a Custom Field to Track Alumni Year

You may want to track what year students will "graduate" from your school. This will be great information to have if you want to contact students from a particular class at a later date. To do this, you will need to capture the data in a Custom Field. The Custom Field is created for Alumni Year with the options set for 2020, 2021, etc. Set the Custom Field for Administrator Only. 

Only Membership Toolkit Team Members can create a new Custom Field for your organization. If you would like us to create a new Custom Field, go to the Help Desk and create a Help Ticket. Let us know what Custom Field you would like created and if you know the options you want included. You can edit the Custom Field options yourself once the field has been created.

Editing a Custom Field
There are three ways an Administrator can edit information in a Custom Field.
  1. Go to the Contact Record and edit.
  2. Go to the list of parents or students and turn on the function to edit.
  3. Go to the list of parents or students and update a group of fields at one time using the mass update. This option allows you to filter your list, select all, and then choose the field to be updated.

At the end of the school year, you can update the Alumni Field as part of the "Promote Students" task in the Year End Checklist.

Adding a Custom Field to Track Graduation Year

You also may want to track what year students will graduate from high school. This will be great information to have if you want to know which students were in class together. To do this, you will need to capture the data in a Custom Field. The Custom Field is created for Graduation Year with the options for Class of 2020, Class of 2021, etc. Set the Custom Field for Administrator Only. 

BEST PRACTICE - use the year the student will be graduating from high school. If you transfer students between organizations, this assures that everyone in your district is using the same process.

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