Structure - An Overview

Structure - An Overview

The Structure defines how all the pieces fit together on the page. Think of the page like a puzzle that can be composed of different types of pieces (blocks).

Blocks are pieces of your site structure that can include menus, widgets, and HTML content.

The Structure Blocks (pieces) appear in the order they are within each region. So a user goes to a page, the structure puts all the pieces of that page together and presents it to the user.

The Structure Blocks can be turned on/off on a page by editing the block and editing the Visibility tab (no checks at all means it will appear on all pages).

Editing the Structure

There are 2 ways to edit the Structure:

1. Go to Website / Structure.

2. Use the "ESC" (escape) key on your keyboard from any content page on your site.
  • Using the escape key will allow you to see the blocks of the page outlined in red, with a link to edit each block directly.
  • When you select one of the links, you can edit that block, save, and then you will be taken directly back to the page where you started.

Structure Block Types

Confused by the different options for the types of Block in your Structure? Here is a list of all the Block Types with descriptions:

Content Block - The Content Block is a placeholder for where content should be entered in the site structure. The main content for the page the user is looking at will be place wherever this block exists within a Region. You must have at least one of these to show content on a page. 

Content Preview Block - The Content Preview Block allows you to call out or preview up to 3 pieces of other content (web pages or the latest stories in a blog) in a block structure within your page template. This block is optional, and you can have more than one. 

Blog Block - The Blog Block is used to display the list of stories in a blog. It only works on blog pages. If the content page being rendered does not come from a blog, this block will be ignored. You must have at least one of these blocks to show blog content in a blog page. 

Menu - The Menu Block is a placeholder for where a menu structure will be rendered. It shows a menu of links as defined in the Navigation. You can configure the CSS class and template information to determine how the menu will be formatted. 

HTML Block - The HTML block is a place for you to put in your own HTML (web page type code), which will be rendered directly in-line with the Region. This block is optional, and you can have more than one.
If you are adding a new HTML Block to your left or right rail and you want it to have the same "box" style as your other blocks, you will need to add "box-index2" to the Class Name on the Block Settings.

User Info Box - The User Info Block will place the user information box wherever this block exists within a Region. The User Info Block contains links for the user to login/logout, edit their account information, go to their shopping cart, etc. 

User Credit - This block will output how much credit the user has on their account. 

Google Translate - The Google Translate Block will place a Google Translate widget on your page, allowing users to translate your content into almost any language.

Image Slider - The Image Slider block allows you to create a slideshow of pictures from images you already have saved in your File Cabinet.
  1. You will also have the option to add in a URL where users will be directed if they click an image in the slideshow.
  2. Select the type of animation for your slideshow, the arrow style and color, and the speed of the slideshow.
  3. If you want the slideshow to play automatically, you will need to enable the autoplay feature and set the number of seconds.

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