Setting Up a Personalized Fundraising Campaign

Setting Up a Personalized Fundraising Campaign

Before you set up a new fundraising campaign, we recommend creating the donation SKUs that will be used with the campaign.

We also recommend that you turn off Offline Payments before beginning a campaign to avoid unpaid pledges. Unpaid pledges will still be charged the 3% fee. Go to Admin / Payment Configuration / Offline Payments.

Video - Creating a Donation SKU for a Fundraising Campaign

Creating Donation SKUs for a Fundraising Campaign

  1. SKUs should be set up in the Catalog before you add them to a campaign. SKUs cannot be edited within the campaign
  2. Create new donation SKUs specific to your campaign rather than using the same general donation SKUs that you have used on other forms.
  3. Do not set the SKU as an Event SKU or you will not be able to add it to the campaign.
  4. Create a SKU for each donation amount rather than just one custom donation SKU.

Use graphics to represent each SKU so they will be more visually appealing. If you are interested in having some of our graphics uploaded to your site, please submit a ticket through our Help Desk.

Creating a New Campaign

  1. Go to Dashboard / Fundraising.
  2. Select the "new campaign" button.

Overview Tab

  1. Internal Title - Choose a shorter, internal name for the campaign.
  2. Mode - Select from Draft,Test, Active, or Archived.
  3. Parent Edit Date/Time - Choose a date/time when you want to allow the Parent to start editing their information for the campaign.
  4. Publish Date/Time - Choose a date/time when the campaign will become available to the public.
  5. Unpublish Date/Time - Choose a date/time when the campaign will end.
  6. Failure Redirect URL - Select where the user should be taken if the campaign has expired.

Presentation Tab

The Presentation Tab is where you design and customize the look of your campaign.

  1. Public Title - Select a name for the campaign that potential donors will see.
  2. Header Foreground/Background Colors - Customize colors for the campaign header.
  3. Campaign Goal - Enter the goal amount for the entire campaign. Do NOT use commas.
  4. Donate Button Foreground/Background Colors - Customize the look of the Donate button.
  5. Campaign Summary - Enter information that describes the purpose of the campaign to potential donors.
  6. Campaign Image - Choose a larger image for your campaign.
  7. Background Image - This image will be tiled to repeat across the background of your campaign page.
  8. Background Image Placement - Do you want your image to repeat in a tile-like fashion, stretch to fill the space, stay to scale, or none? 
  9. Thermometer Style - Select the style of goal thermometer you want to use or not to use a goal thermometer.
  10. Thermometer Foreground/Background Colors - Customize the colors for your thermometer.
  11. Page Template - Select the page style from your site design for this campaign. For best presentation on mobile devices, we recommend the fixed or full width designs.  More About Choosing a Website Page Template for Your Fundraising Campaigns Coming Soon!

Participants Tab

The Participants Tab allows you to select the users in your database that will be participating in the fundraising campaign. This works similar to form conditions to restrict who is allowed to set up a personal campaign.
  1. Participants to Include - Select the Conditions for the Participants who will be in the campaign.
  2. Include Campaign/Team Goal - Select if you want to present the campaign (and team) goals on the Participant's fundraising page.
  3. Allow Donor Message - Select if you want to allow donors to leave a personalized message to the individual they're donating to.

Teams Tab

If you want to break your campaign into teams rather than just individuals, you can do so on the Teams Tab.
  1. Segment Campaign by Teams? - Select "Yes" if you want to segment your campaign by grouping your participants into teams.

If you select "Yes":
  1. Team Label - Choose the overall name you use for your teams.
  2. Defining Custom Field - Select a custom field that will separate your participants into individual teams. You must select a custom field and then save before the team selections will be shown.
  3. Teams Information - Your Teams will be broken out by their Custom Field value. You can edit the Team Name (that the public sees), Team Goal (don't use commas), Team Image, and Team Welcome Message by clicking the "edit" button next to each Team.
  4. If  there is a custom field value that you don't want to include in the campaign, you can choose to disable it.. For example, if you select teams by grade level, you probably don't want your alumni to participate.

Video - Creating a Team Fundraising Campaign

Individuals Tab

If you want to set up your campaign by individual participants, you can do so on the Individuals Tab.
  1. Segment Campaign by Individual? - Select "Yes" if you want to segment your campaign by grouping your participants into individual Players or Parents.

If you select "Yes":
  1. Family/Player? - Select how you want to track Fundraising. Do you want to track it at the Family level as a whole or per Player? This applies mostly to families with more than one student.
  2. Individual Label - Choose a label for what you want to call each player or family.
  3. Use Individual Pictures? - Select if you want to allow photos on the player's or family's page.
  4. Allow Families to Edit Picture? - Decide if you want to allow each family to edit or upload their own  photo.
  5. Default Welcome Message - Choose a welcome message to display to potential donors.
  6. Allow Families to Edit Welcome Message? - Select if you want to allow families to edit their welcome message.
  7. Default Individual Goal - Set a goal for each individual player or family. Do not use commas.
  8. Allow Families to Edit Their Own Goal? - Select if  you want to allow families to edit their goal amounts.
  9. Allow Families to Upload Email Addresses? - Select if you want families to upload email addresses for marketing emails.
  10. Individual Page Layout Style - Choose a page style (Currently all styles are the same - more styles are coming soon!)

Video - Creating an Individual Fundraiser

Line Items Tab

To collect donations to your Fundraising Campaign, you must add a Line Item(s) to the campaign page.
  1. SKUs should be set up in the Catalog before you add them to a campaign. SKUs cannot be edited within the campaign.
  2. We recommend setting up SKUs (line items) that are specifically designated for your fundraising campaigns. This will be better for reporting/accounting.
  3. As with other SKUs in your Catalog, you are able to add images. Adding an image to a fundraising SKU makes it visually appealing.
  4. Note: you can only add SKUs from your catalog that have a single fixed price (not multiple prices) and that have no options associated.

Receipt Tab

When a donation is made to a Fundraising Campaign, the system automatically sends the donor an itemized emailed receipt. You can customize the Email Receipt Text.

It is a good idea to include the following in your email receipt.......
  1. Thank the donor for their gift.
  2. If appropriate, let them know how funds raised will be used. What will their donation allow your organization to do?
  3. If you are a non-profit and their donation is tax deductible, let them know if you want them to retain this receipt has a copy of their donation for tax purposes. You should also include your 501(c)3 number.
We also recommend that you turn off Offline Payments before beginning a campaign to avoid unpaid pledges. Unpaid pledges will still be charged the 3% fee. Go to Admin / Payment Configuration / Offline Payments.

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