Sending An Email To Your Contacts

Sending An Email To Your Contacts

You can quickly send emails through Membership Toolkit. Best practice is to send your email using the Communications > Quick Email Tab
  1. You can start a Quick Email using the blue button on the Summary tab.
  2. You can select from any of your communication lists to send to.
  3. You can create and manage all of your Quick Emails from the Quick Email tab. You will be able to see who has received it, viewed it, etc. and be able to view sent emails for future reference.

For times when you prefer to select your recipients from your contact list rather than use a communication list:
1. Go to the People Tab and choose Contact Records, Members, or Student List.
2. Use the "filter applied" button to filter your Contacts if you are on the Contact Records screen.
3. Click the blue "Email" button.
4. Using the "select" box, select who will receive the email.
  1. All Parents - this includes both parents
  2. All PRIMARY Parents - this includes only the Primary Parent on the account
  3. Only Members - this includes only Members of your organization
  4. Only Non-members - this includes only those that are NOT Members of your organization
  5. None - this allows you to manually select which recipients will receive the email by checking the individual boxes next to their email address
5. Once you have selected who will receive the email, click the blue "compose email" button.

Composing the Email:

The number of addresses your email will be sent to.

Send a copy to
If you'd like to send a copy to someone else, enter their email address here (multiple email addresses separated by commas).

Your email will automatically come from the email address that you used to log in to the Dashboard. Use the drop down menu to select a different Administrator's address. (if you are an Account Owner)

Send Later at
Complete the Send Later Box with the date and time you want the email sent and click "Done". Leave it blank to send it immediately.

The subject of your email. If your organization has any saved email templates, you can select one here. More About Email Templates

Include text, pictures, graphics, etc. The text editor allows you to customize the email.

Save as Draft or Send Now
  1. If you'd like to save your email to edit it later, select "Save as Draft."' This will move your email to the Drafts tab.
  2. If you are done editing and ready to send, select "Send Now." The email will be sent immediately or at the "Send Later" time you selected. If it is set to be sent later, the email will move to the Scheduled Tab where you will have the option to unschedule and edit it up until the time it is scheduled to send.
Notes about Sending Emails
  1. Emails are sent individually. Recipients will not be able to see who else is receiving the email.
  2. We use an email service (SendGrid) to assure delivery and to track open rates.
  3. All of the emails that you send from our system are technically sent from The return email address is what you will set and what will be presented to the recipient.
  4. Once an email has been sent, you can view analytical information or open it and copy/paste on the Sent Email Tab.

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