Ready To Go Live - A Checklist of What Needs to be Done

Ready To Go Live - A Checklist of What Needs to be Done

1.  Current Year Dates

Confirm that these dates are set to the current year.
  1. Admin / Account Settings / Dates & Times / Current Year

2.  Forms

Confirm that all Publish and Unpublish dates are set correctly.
  1. Store & Forms / Select Form / Overview tab
Set the Mode to "Active."
  1. Store & Forms / Select Form / Overview tab
Check Membership Expiration Dates at the SKU level to be sure they are set for the upcoming year.
  1. Store & Forms / Reports / Membership SKU Catalog
Confirm that forms you don't want to present are set to Draft or Test Mode
  1. Store & Forms / Select Form / Overview tab

3.  Volunteer Forms

Confirm that all Publish and Unpublish dates are set correctly.
  1. Volunteers / Forms / Select Form / Edit This Form / Overview tab
Set the Mode to "Active."
  1. Volunteers / Forms / Select Form / Edit This Form / Overview tab
Confirm that forms you don't want to present are set to Draft or Test Mode
  1. Volunteers / Forms / Select Form / Overview tab

4.  Email Receipt

Did you customize information for your email receipt?
  1. Store & Forms / Configuration / Email & Receipt / Email Receipt Text

5.  Payment Processor

Confirm it is set-up and working.
  1. Admin / Payment Configuration / Select Payment Processor
  1. If you are using PaySimple, TransFirst or PayPal, there is a blue "Test" button to test the configuration.


6.  Notification Email

Send an email to your users letting them know your website is live and ready to go. Be sure to send them a link to the website.  For an example of this communication, visit our Customer Resources page or our Knowledge Base Article: Inviting Users to Your New Website.

Soft Launch
We recommend organizations do a soft-launch before advertising to all. Have a few key board members run through the process and make sure all is working correctly.

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