Promoting Students

Promoting Students

Administrators can choose a date and time to promote all of their students at the same time. To promote students you will need Account Owner status. Only Active students on Active or Outdated accounts will be affected by this rollover.

  1. Go to Admin / Year End.
  2. Choose to Configure the Promotion of Students.
  3. Confirm what grades you want students promoted to.
  4. Schedule what date and time you want the promotion to occur.

Making Students Inactive

When you are promoting students you have the option to make them Inactive at the same time.
(There are only two statuses for student records: Active or Inactive.)
  1. Inactive students are no longer at your school. They are still connected to the family’s account and their information is still there.
  2. When a student’s status is Inactive, their name and information are no longer presented in the directory.
  3. Forms that are set to present One Per Student will not be created for inactive students.

Updating Students' Graduation/Alumni Year

The Year End Promotion of Students also allows you to update the graduation/alumni year for your students. This is typically set for the year the students will "graduate" from your school. However, you will only be presented with this option if you have a custom field that was created with the Field Name: alumni_year.
Only students with a blank Student Graduation Year field will be updated to the specified Student Graduation Year.

Additionally, you can:

  1. Update Family Status - You can make families Inactive that no longer have Active students.
  2. Remove Directory Access - You can remove access to the directory for families that are becoming Inactive.
  3. Update Grade Label - If you use a date range (such as Grade 2018-2019) for the Grade Field Label, you can update it to next year's date range. This can also be found by going to People / Configuration / Student Form / "Grade" Label.

Example for Promoting Students

  1. School includes students in grades Kindergarten – 5th grade
  2. Registration for next school year begins on July 15th
  3. First day of school is August 28th
  4. The PTO would like parents to have access to the Online Directory all summer and have alumni included.
These are the steps that we recommend for promoting students for the above example:
  1. Update your Grade Level Choices that are presented to parents to include an Alumni choice. (People / Configuration / Student Form)
  2. Create a custom field to track what year 5th grade students are graduating from your school.
  3. Schedule to promote your students on July 1st. (or any date between the last day of school and before July 15th)
  4. Schedule 5th grade students to be promoted to Alumni but do not change their Active status to Inactive. Leave them as Active so their information will be included in the directory over the summer.
  5. In August, before the first day of school, go to the Year End Transition tool, and archive the previous version. Re-configure the student promotion option to leave the grade the same, but schedule to have the Alumni students made Inactive.
  6. Set the Family Status field to make families Inactive if they no longer have Active Students.
  7. Remove Directory Access for Inactive Families.
If you are not concerned with families having Directory Access over the summer, only run the student promotion once.

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