Organization Support Email Address

Organization Support Email Address

All emails that are sent from your organization through Membership Toolkit will be sent from one of your designated email addresses.

Your Organization's Support Email address is the primary way users can contact someone in your organization for help. When your Membership Toolkit system sends emails, many of these will appear to come "from" your Organization Support Email Address.

The following system emails are sent from your Organization's Support Email Address:
  • volunteer notifications
  • kiosk admin notifications for late volunteers
  • kiosk admin notifications for missed volunteer opportunities
  • receipts for purchases
  • receipts for completion of data forms
  • newsletter unsubscribe & resubmit confirmations
  • notifications for new updates on Messages & Comments
Most other emails such as newsletters and individual emails to your members will come from the author of that email. Only a couple will come from the Membership Toolkit system itself – these are typically emails concerned with account creation or password recovery.

Only an Account Owner can configure your organization's support email address. It is really important that you provide an email for your organization's support email address that is a current, verified email address. The verification step is important as it ensures that the email address is correct and can receive emails from the system or from other users.

Step 1 - You will need to Verify the Email you want to add as the Organizational Support Email:
  • Login using the email address you wish to use (or create a new account with that email address if you haven't already).
  • Go to your Account Profile by clicking on your name in the User Info Box.
  • If you see a message that says the email is "not yet verified" you will need to verify the email.
  • Follow the instructions to send and receive the verification email message, and then click on the link to verify your address.
  • Once verified you can log back in with your administrator account (if it's different) and add the email to the Organizational Support Email field (as outlined below).

Step 2 - Setting or Updating your Organization's Support Email Address:
  • Log in with an Account Owner user account and go to the Dashboard.
  • Go to Admin / Account Settings / Address & Contact Info.
  • The Organization Support Email is the second field on the page, just below your Site Name.  
  • Type in the email address you want to use, and click the Save button at the bottom of the form.

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