Membership Types

Membership Types

Membership Type refers to the membership label each user will receive when they purchase membership.

There are 5 default Types of Membership:
  1. Regular
  2. Student
  3. Lifetime
  4. Faculty
  5. Community

Editing Membership Types

You can add to or edit these Membership Types before you begin your membership sales.
  • Go to People / Configuration / Membership Types.
We recommend adding or editing membership types at the BEGINNING of your membership drive and NOT during membership sales. If you choose to make changes after you have started sales for the year, please follow the steps outlined in the "Adding" or "Editing/Removing" Membership Types section below.
  • Membership Type Name - How do you want to label this membership on your reports?
  • Applies To - Does this apply to a Parent or a Student?
  • Description - Add additional information about the membership.
  • Sort - Where do you want this type to be in the list?

Adding New Membership Types

We recommend adding or editing membership types at the BEGINNING of your membership drive and NOT during membership sales. If you choose to make changes after you have started sales for the year, please follow these steps:

Step 1 - Add New Membership Types
  • Go to People / Configuration / Membership Types.
  • Add your new membership types to the list.
  • Do not delete the current types that are already there.

Step 2 - Update Membership SKUs
  • Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
  • Filter for your Membership SKUs.
  • Update your Membership SKUs with the new Types of Membership.
  • If you don't already have a Membership SKU set up for the new Membership Type, you will need to create one.

Step 3 - Ordered Items Report for Membership SKUs
  • Go to Store & Forms / Reports / Ordered Items Report.
  • Filter the Category for your Membership SKUs.
  • Pull a list of who ordered each SKU that you updated by clicking on the blue number in the Qty Column.
Keep in mind, if you granted Membership Status manually to any user, they will NOT appear on this report and you will need to update them manually in People / Contacts.

Step 4 - Update Membership Types for Selected Members
  • Go to People / Parents.
  • Select all of the users who purchased one of your updated Membership SKUs (based on your list.)
  • Use the "update checked..." button to update the group of selected users to the new Membership Type.
  • Repeat for any other updated Membership SKUs.
  • Update any memberships that were granted manually by an admin by going to each individual contact record.

Editing/Removing Membership Types

If there are Membership Types that you no longer wish to use, you can delete them, BUT FIRST be sure you have created your new membership types so that you can update your current members.

Step 1 - Add New Membership Types
  • Go to People / Configuration / Membership Types.
  • Add your new membership types to the list.
  • Do not delete the current types that are already there.

Step 2 - Update Membership SKUs
  • Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
  • Filter for your Membership SKUs.
  • Update your Membership SKUs with the new Types of Membership.
  • If you don't already have a Membership SKU set up for the new Membership Type, you will need to create one.

Step 3 - Delete Old Membership Types
If you delete a membership type, a warning message will pop up asking if you wish to proceed. It will also indicate how many members and how many SKUs will be updated to the new membership type you select from the drop down menu.

If you delete or rename a membership type:
  • You will need to verify that any conditions set for content, forms, volunteer forms, groups, newsletter lists, etc. that are based on a particular membership type are still valid.
  • Conditions that were set using a membership type that is no longer valid will be blank and therefore no longer applied.
  • This only applies if you’re changing the “type” name, i.e. REGULAR or STUDENT and not just the description.

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