Membership Status

Membership Status

Membership is a Status that is achieved when a user either purchases a SKU that is set to trigger membership or an Admin manually grants membership to a user.

Memberships must have a User Name, a Start Date, and an End Date to be reported correctly in the system.

Membership Status is important for several reasons:
  • It allows contacts access to member only areas.
  • Members show up on your membership report.

How Membership Status is Allocated in a Family

When creating a SKU that grants membership status, you can select how many memberships will be granted with the purchase of that SKU. You can choose 1 - 4 memberships for one SKU. 
  • The 1st membership is given to the 1st parent on the family account.
  • The 2nd membership is given to the 2nd parent on the family account.
  • The 3rd membership is given to the 1st active student on the family account.
  • The 4th membership is given to the 2nd active student on the family account.

All memberships purchased with this SKU will be given the same membership designation. This option works well for organizations that want to bundle their membership sales into one package.  Typically student memberships are sold individually and are not connected to the purchase of the parent memberships.

  • Membership status is only granted after the order has been paid in FULL.
  • Canceling an order does not automatically remove membership status.  Admins must remove this manually on the contact record.
  • When granting multiple memberships, the system can only tag as many people as are on the user's account.  So, if the user buys 4 memberships, but only has himself, a spouse and one student listed on their contact record, only 3 memberships will be applied. (Though the accounting will still show the purchase of 4.)
  • Memberships should NOT be sold on Guest Forms. "Guest" users don't have an account and therefore will not be tagged as members.

Membership Expiration Dates

When a contact becomes a member the membership has an expiration date.  There are two ways for membership status to be given to a contact:
  1. Membership SKUs that grant membership status have an expiration date at the SKU level.
  2. Administrators can manually give membership to a contact at which time they set the membership expiration date.

Membership Expiration Dates - Examples for Spring Sales

Vincent PTO Wants to Pre-Sell Memberships For Next Year:
  • Their Membership Expiration Date is currently set for July 31, 2019. 
  • The current school year is 2018-19 and everyone who purchased a membership in the fall has an expiration date for their membership of July 31, 2019.
  • They will begin selling memberships in April 2019 for the 2019-2020 school year.

What They Need to Do:
  • Update all of the Membership SKUs with the new expiration date in the Catalog.  Set them to July 31, 2020.
  • Duplicate their old Membership Form to create a new form for the 2019-2020 sale.

What Happens:
  • When current members purchase a new membership, their membership expiration date automatically changes from 07/31/2019 to 07/31/2020. 
  • Current members who do not purchase a new membership before their membership expires on 07/31/2019 will lose membership privileges on 07/31/2019 until they purchase a new membership.
  • When new members join, their membership expiration date is 07/31/2020.  New members will have an active membership status and will be granted membership privileges.

Setting Your Membership Expiration Date for September 1 or October 1
There are schools and organizations that want parents to have access to the online directory throughout the summer and therefore they set their membership expiration status later than July 31.  

This is a good idea - just know that all of your current members show up on your membership report. If your membership chairman runs a membership report on 08/30, it is going to include all of your old members who have not renewed their membership but still have membership status.

Updating Membership Expiration Dates

Updating at the SKU Level
If you are launching membership sales before your year end, you will need to update the membership expiration date at the SKU level.  Be sure to do this for every SKU that is associated with your membership sales.
  • Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
  • Select the SKU associated with membership purchase.
  • Select the "Membership" tab and update the Expiration Date. You can set the membership to expire on a particular date or after a particular number of days have passed.
  • Don't forget to Save.

Editing Membership Status

To manually grant Membership to a user or to change their Membership Status:
  • Go to People / Contacts.
  • Select the Contact you wish to edit.
  • After you select the "edit" button on the Contact Information tab, scroll down to the Membership Fields.
  • Change the Paid Member? to "Yes".
  • To grant Member Status and to include the member on your Membership Report, you must also include a Membership Date AND a Membership Expiration Date. We recommend using the same expiration date that was used for the rest of your members.

Editing Membership Status in Bulk

If you need to update the Membership Status of multiple users at one time:
  • Go to People > Parent List.
  • Use the "apply filter" button to filter the list for the contacts you wish to update. (if needed)
  • Select All or Select Individual Contacts to update.
  • Use the "update checked..." button to select the Membership Type AND Expiration Date. Note - there are 2 sets of these fields, one for each contact on the record.
  • Click the "Update" button.

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