Personalized Fundraising Campaigns - Best Practices

Personalized Fundraising Campaigns - Best Practices

Tips, Tricks, and Important Things to Remember:

  1. An Account Owner will need to authorize us to turn-on the Fundraising Campaign Tool on your site.
  2. An Account Owner will need to grant the Fundraising Chair access to the Fundraising Tab as set at Dashboard > Admin > Access Control.
  3. Do not set to “active” mode until you are ready to accept donations as all entries will be charged 3% including fake transactions. A legal pop-up box will capture approval.
  4. Participants should include – 
  1. Contact Record Status equals “active” and “outdated”
  2. Student Status equals “active”
  1. Set campaign to include “Team” by teacher or grade (both hopefully.)
  1. The only differences are if you choose to display the "Team" publicly, whether to provide a team goal, or accept donations at the team level.
  2. These can be determined with "yes/no" options.
  3. This information may be important for reporting and/or when hosting a competition between grades or teachers such as when providing incentives.
  1. Individuals—please enter a “goal” amount or the goal will automatically show as “Goal Met”. 
  2. If you need to collect donations based on laps run/minutes read, we recommend a “flat donation” SKU with “$10.00 donation for 10 laps run/10 minutes read" typed into the description of the SKU. The student would then need to commit to running the laps/reading the minutes if they receive the donation. This would be based on an honor system.

Treasurer Tips:

  1. When creating the SKUs, note which reporting category and income account that should be credited.
  2. Set offline payments to “off” during the duration of the campaign as “pledges” will also incur a 3% fee.
    1. Go to Dashboard > Admin > Payment Configuration > Offline Payments.
  3. Cash or check donations can be entered manually and we recommend the Treasurer be involved for correct accounting entries and matching deposits. These are also subject to the 3% fee.

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