Files, Images, and Documents

Files, Images, and Documents

It is VERY beneficial to keep all of your picture and document files organized from the start. We recommend setting up folders to store your images and document files.

It's important to note that if you reorganize your images after they've been used on your site, they will no longer show up on the pages where you placed them because the system won't know where to go and find them. If possible, set up your folders to manage your images BEFORE they are in use on your site.

From your Dashboard go to "Files."  The file browser will pop up.  From here you can "Create" folders, "Upload" files into those folders, and "Manage" the folders and files.

Creating Folders For Images & Documents

To Create a Folder in the File Cabinet:
  1. Go to Files / Create / Folder.
  2. Type in the name of the new folder.
  3. Click "Create."
You can also create folders anytime you are adding/editing content.

Uploading Images and Files

To Upload a new image or File into the File Cabinet:
  1. Go to Files / Upload.
  2. You can either drag a file into the box from your computer or you click "Add Files" to browse and find the file(s) you wish to add.
  3. Click the "Upload" button.  After it finishes uploading, click "Close."
Valid file extensions are: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, html, htm, txt, docx, doc, xlsx, xls, zip, pdf, mp3, js, css, eps, psd, ai, zip, m4a, ico with the Max size being 100 MB.

Picture File Formats

PNG:   Portable Network Graphic. PNG format is a compression file format that maintains the same quality as the original when the file is compressed , which makes it a common choice for the web. PNG supports transparency with a 32 bit color depth. PNG typically produces a larger file than a JPG.

JPG:  When compressed to a JPG file some of the quality is degraded. It is useful for storing photographs at a smaller size. JPG is common for use on the web since it is compressed. If the file extension is JPEG, you will need to change it to JPG before uploading your file.

GIF: The Graphics Interchange Format is an older file format. GIF only supports 256 colors per image. This limited color palette can lead to color banding on images with lots of colors or gradients. The limited colors result in a smaller file size, but a lower quality image. GIF supports full color transparency only.

BMP:  Not supported by Membership Toolkit

TIFF:  Not supported by Membership Toolkit

PDF: A PDF file will NOT display as an image. You will either need to take a screen shot of the PDF and save it as an image file or simply link to it from another image or text.

Managing Images and Files

When you select the check box next to a particular file, you have the ability to cut, copy, paste etc. If you want to re-organize your File Cabinet and move images and files into different folders, you will do so by using these functions.

To re-locate an image/file:
  1. Find the file in your File Cabinet and select the check box for the file.
  2. Using the drop down menu on the Manage button, select "Cut."
  3. Select the location/folder for where you want to move the file to or create a new folder using the directions above.
  4. Using the drop down menu on the Manage button, select "Paste."
VERY IMPORTANT! - If you move a file/image within your file cabinet after it has been used somewhere on your site, the link to the file/image will be broken and you will have to go back and re-add the file/image each place it was used.

Video -Uploading and Managing Files

Adding Images and Files to Forms and Content Pages

To add images to your forms and pages:
  1. From the Content Editor, open the link to Insert/Edit an image.
  2. Source:  Select the file name of the image you wish to add.  This file name/location will auto-populate into field.
  3. Image Description:  You can choose to add a description here or you can simply leave this field blank.
  4. Dimensions:  The size of your image in pixels. 100 pixels is a good size to start with.  You can easily change the dimensions after the image has been added. You can also use a percentage to set your image size.
  5. Constrain Proportions:  The proportions of the length vs. width of the image are automatically preserved unless you uncheck this box. This is useful when you need to "stretch" and image one way or another.
  6. Class:  Do you want space automatically around your image?  This field defaults to "No Padding," but you can select where you'd like to add extra space to keep your images from running into your text.
  7. Click "Ok."  You can use the Content Body Editor bar to move and re-size the image on the page. If you insert an image then highlight it and left justify it the text will float to the right of the image.  The reverse will happen if you right justify the image.

If you have the Insert/Edit Image box open you can use the Advanced tab to left or right justify the image so that text will wrap around it.

  1. To present the image on the left and wrap the text on the right, put the following in the Style box: float: left;
  2. On the same tab, you can add horizontal or vertical space. Adding 10-12 pixels provides a good amount of space between an image and floating text (you will add just the numbers to the Vertical space and Horizontal space fields).

Using Percentages to Size Images

For better presentation on mobile devices, you can set your images to fill a percentage of the space they are in. As the screen size shrinks, the image will shrink proportionally. (Use pixels if you prefer to have the image retain its size - such as login button.)

To use percentages to size images:
  1. Go to the Content Editor for the page where the image is or will be located.
  2. Select the picture and click the Insert/edit image button on the toolbar. Or add a new image.
  3. In the Dimensions field, type a percentage into the first box to determine how wide the image will be.
  4. Leave the second box blank, but be sure the Constrain proportions check box is checked.

Copying & Pasting Text

Content (text) can be copy and pasted into the content body sections of content pages, preambles of forms and newsletters.

If you don't need to upload an entire document to your site, you can copy and paste sections of text.
We recommend clearing the formatting of the text before pasting it, then re-formatting it on your site.

Rotating Images/Slideshows

There are a couple of ways to create rotating pictures on your site.

1. You can create a GIF file (there are several online apps that will help you do this) and then upload the GIF file to your website. 

2. If you have a lot of pictures that you want to rotate, you could create a Flickr site and then embed the Flickr album on your site. This is pretty easy to do and there are several online tools available that will help you with the process. You can also find more information in our article:  Embedding a Flickr Album or Slideshow.

3. You can also create a slideshow of rotating pictures from images you already have saved in your File Cabinet. For directions, see our article on Adding a Slideshow of Pictures (Rotating Images) from the File Cabinet.

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