FAQs - Sales Reports

FAQs - Sales Reports

FAQ - Why is certain information no longer showing up on my report?

Most likely a SKU was removed from a form or an option was removed from a SKU. When an option is removed from a SKU, that option will no longer appear on your sales report.
For example:  you are selling a shirt with sizes S - XXL. In the middle of the sale, you remove the option for the S to be purchased. Once the option is removed the sales report will not include any sales for the small option!
To avoid this, best practice is to make the Option Inactive. For instructions on how to do this, see the article:  Deactivating Options From an Active Form.

Instead of removing a SKU from a Form when it's no longer needed, best practice is to change the Visibility for the SKU.  To do this:
  1. Go to Store & Forms and select the Form.
  2. Go to the Products & Data Fields tab.
  3. Select the blue 'edit' button next to the product that needs editing.
  4. On the Visibility tab, select 'Hidden.'

FAQ - How do I run a report for users who have NOT purchased an item?

There is not a report that can be run that shows all active contacts that have not completed a form. However, you can compare two reports to gather this information then send out communication.

Step 1 - Run the Ordered Items Report
  1. Go to Store & Forms > Reports > Ordered Items.
  2. Filter by the Category or SKU needed.
  3. Select a SKU.
  4. Download to excel and sort by last name of the parent if the form was set Per Family or by last name of the student if the form or SKU was set Per Student.

Step 2 - Pull the List of Contacts 
  1. For Per Family Forms - Go to People > Contact Records.
  2. For Per Student Forms or Per Student Products - Go to People > Student List.
  3. Compare the lists.
  4. Use the check boxes to send an email communication to those that have not purchased the item. 

Another way to obtain this information is to go to the Form Report for the form and use the filter button to change the form status to incomplete and pending or not submitted. This is quicker, but not as accurate. If a user hasn't logged back in recently, their Open Forms page won't have updated and will not reflect any changes.

FAQ - Why does the Summary, Matrix Report & Detail Report not match?

When ordering products, we always recommend using the Ordered Items Report under Store & Forms > Reports. (Be sure your date range is set correctly.) This will always give you the most accurate information regarding the number of items ordered and the amount of revenue for each.

The Excel Detail from the form does not take into account when multiple quantities of an item are ordered. If you look at column D, it shows the Price per Item, not the total. If a qty of 2 or more were ordered, you will need to multiply to get the total. If you simply total column D, you will get a lower number than what the Form Summary total reports.

The Excel Matrix shows the Total for the entire Order in column C. If users ordered from multiple forms at once in the same order, this column reflects the total for all items ordered. That is why this number may be higher than your summary number when you total it.

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