FAQ - Sending a test newsletter

FAQ - Sending a test newsletter

Before you can send a test newsletter, you need to complete the send settings for the newsletter.  Click on the "send settings" button from the newsletter.

In the Send Settings Pop Up Box:
  1. Select which Communications List the newsletter should go to. You can select more than one list.
  2. From Name - A friendly name users will recognize.
  3. Reply-to-Address - An email that will receive and respond to replies.
  4. Subject - What the newsletter is about.
  5. Schedule to Send at - When should the newsletter be sent? (The newsletter won't automatically go out at the time selected unless you "release" it. See below.)
  6. Save.

Once you have the send settings completed, save the newsletter.  From the newsletter lists you will have the option to send a test newsletter.

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