FAQ's - Orders

FAQ's - Orders

FAQ - Can you return an item that has already been marked as delivered?

If a user has ordered, paid for, and received an item but decides to return it, you will need to mark the item as undelivered, issue a refund on the order then adjust the inventory manually.

To mark the item as undelivered:
  • Open the user's Contact Record and click on the Orders tab.
  • Click on the Order Number.
  • Click on the blue "deliver..." button.
  • Enter a negative number (such as -1) in the Delivering NOW box.

To issue the refund:
  • Open the user's Contact Record and click on the Orders tab.
  • Click on the Order Number.
  • Then, you can click on the blue refund button and tell the system how the refund will occur (such as writing them a check or applying an account credit to be used later.)

To manually adjust the inventory:
  • Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
  • Select "Adjust Inventory" for the item that needs adjustment.
See the Knowledge Base article Adjusting Inventory Numbers for more information.

FAQ - Why are the order numbers not sequential?

Order numbers are assigned when a user takes the first step in starting an order. They are not relative to when the order is placed. Therefore, they will rarely be in sequential order in your list of completed orders.

FAQ - What can we do about a parent that does not want to complete a financial transaction online?

Solution #1:  Manual Payments
You have the option of allowing parents to choose Offline (Manual) Payments which is the option to pay later.  To learn how to turn on this option, see the Knowledge Base Article:  Offline Payments

Solution #2:  Push an Order
If a user will not consider or is unable to complete their purchase using your online payment option, Admins can manually push their order through the system.  Once the user has completed the registration process and has items in their shopping cart, an Admin can push the order.  For instructions on how to do this, see the Knowledge Base Article:  Pushing an Order

FAQ - How can users make payments on outstanding balances?

Users are able to log in to their Membership Toolkit account and make a payments on outstanding balances. 

Step 1 - Log in to your Membership Toolkit account

Step 2 - Previous Orders
Select the Previous orders option in the log-in box.

Step 3 - Choose Order for Payment

  1. On your Account Profile screen, select the Orders tab. This will present a table of all orders either submitted by the user or created and submitted by an administrator.
  2. Orders with a Balance Due are presented at the top. On the right side of the table is a column for amount due related to each order.
  3. Select the Order Number for an order that you would like to make a payment for.

Step 4 - Make a Payment
  1. Once you have selected an Order for payment, information regarding that order will be presented.
  2. Select "Make A Payment".
  3. Follow the steps provided for making a payment.

FAQ - Can pending orders be cleared out/deleted?

When you go to the Store & Forms / Forms tab, Admins can see if there are any pending orders associated with a form. These represent items that were placed in a shopping cart, but were never purchased and are not real orders. We chose to provide this information in case you wanted to email these users to encourage them to complete their purchase for a sale that is about to close.
There is not a way for an Admin to delete the pending orders. 

When a user or contact logs back into their account the next time, the shopping cart will be updated. Items no longer available will be removed and any change to items (change in sales price, sales tax) will be updated.

FAQ - How do we make sure users log out of their account after they check out?

There is an optional setting in the system to have accounts automatically logged out when a transaction is completed. To turn on this feature:
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Configuration / Turn on "Force Logout After Checkout".
  2. This will assure that when the parent has completed their purchase the next user will start with a fresh account.

When you check out with Forced Log Out turned ON, the user is presented with:
  1. A notice that they have been logged out
  2. An option to print their receipt
  3. An on-screen copy of the receipt
  4. A link at the bottom to return to the home page

FAQ - How do we manually record orders that are filled at an on-site event?

We are having our back-to-school event and many of our parents have ordered t-shirts as part of their registration process and plan to pick them up at the event. How do we manually record when those orders have been filled?

See our Knowledge Base Article, Manually Recording Filled Orders for step-by-step instructions.

FAQ - How do we record payments received offline?

If you have allowed offline payments (cash/check payments) for orders placed in the system, you will need to manually record those payments on the order.
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Orders.
  2. Sort to find Orders with a Balance Due.
  3. Select the Order Number that needs the payment applied.
  4. On the Order screen, click the blue "Payment" button next to the Total Payments.
  5. Enter the information about the payment and click "Apply Payment."
For more detailed information on how to do this, see our Knowledge Base Article:  Recording Offline Payments (Cash or Check).

FAQ - How do you clear a shopping cart?

Reasons for Clearing A Shopping Cart:
  1. A user no longer wants an item in the cart.
  2. You want to reset all of the forms available in the Open Forms list (emptying your cart does this).
Instructions for Clearing A Shopping Cart:
  1. To clear the cart, there must be an active item in the cart.
  2. Go to the shopping cart (either click on the shopping cart in the login box or select "proceed to check-out" from the list of Open Forms).
  3. Select "empty cart".

FAQ - Why are there no longer any line items on an order?

There are two ways that items are removed from a shopping cart.
  1. An admin removes the item.
  2. A parent logs in to their account and the items in the cart are on forms that are no longer active. Therefore the items are removed from the order.
There are two options for resolving this:
  1. Make the forms active again so the parent can select their options and check out. (Recommended)
  2. Manually add the forms back to the parent's account.

FAQ - How do you create an order for a "data only" form?

In order to Create an Order in the system, you must add a line item to the order. Since Data Only forms don't have line items (SKUs) on them, this presents a problem.
For example, you might have a faculty member who submitted their Faculty Favorite Things information on paper. Below is a way to go in and fill out a Faculty's Favorite Things form for this faculty member.
It is recommended that you do this only AFTER the form closes. Otherwise it could present a problem for your online users.

  1. First, create a $0 SKU in your catalog for data only forms. You can call it DATA_ONLY or something similar.
  2. Add the SKU (line item) to your Favorite Things form, but make it "hidden" under the Visibility tab.  This way nobody else can see it.
  3. Pull up the faculty member's contact record.
  4. Go to the Orders tab and Create Order.
  5. Add a Line Item to the Order.  Use the new Data Only SKU and select your Favorites Form.
  6. Once the SKU has been added to the order, the data fields will appear and you can edit them.  See example below.

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