FAQ's - Membership

FAQ's - Membership

FAQ - What is the difference between a User/Contact and a Member?

User or Contact is anyone who creates an account on your Membership Toolkit site.
To become a User or Contact, they must complete your organization's general information that is collected when they log in.

A Member is a user that has joined your organization.
  1. Members are a group within your organization.
  2. Members submit an application and possibly pay dues.
  3. Members who complete your Membership Form and pay dues are automatically tagged and added to the Member Smart Group.

FAQ - Can parents check their membership status?

Parents can easily view their personal membership information. Here are directions you can provide:
  1. Log in and then select your name in the login box. This will take you to your User Profile for your Membership Toolkit account.

  1. Go to the "Membership" tab to view the Membership Status of each person listed on your account.

FAQ - How do I verify that our membership numbers are correct?

Sometimes the number of Members being reported on the Dashboard does not match the number of memberships ordered on the form or what is reflected in the accounting on your site. 99.9% of the time the number you see on your Membership Toolkit Dashboard is correct. 

There are typically three situations that result in a discrepancy in membership numbers between the Dashboard, Ordered Items (and Form Report) and Accounting.
  1. A family purchased too many memberships.
  2. A contact was granted a membership by an Admin that is not associated with an order.
  3. A contact has an order for a membership that has an outstanding balance.

If you would like to try and reconcile the orders placed, accounting, and the number of members identified in your account, to figure out where the discrepancy is coming from, there are a number of reports you can utilize to help pinpoint the problem.

Scenario #1 - There are more Members than the number of Orders for membership.

Ex) The Dashboard reports 406 Members, but the Form only shows 171 Orders.

The Form Report shows the unique number of Orders but does not account for any membership purchases that may have been for more than 1 membership.  To verify how many memberships are triggered by each membership SKU:
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Reports / Membership SKU Catalog Report.  This will show you the number of memberships granted by each active membership SKU.

  1. Next, go to the Form Summary for the Membership Form. (Store & Forms / Forms / Membership Form / blue "summary" button next to the form.)
  2. Be sure to set the date range to include all membership sales from this form. Otherwise, it defaults to the current year dates and won't capture sales prior to the beginning of the current system year (e.g. spring sales prior to a current year beginning July 1) if there were any.
  3. The Form Summary will show the number of each SKU that was purchased from the Membership Form.
  4. If you add the numbers together, they should equal the number of members. (be sure to double the numbers that count for two memberships and omit any numbers that belong to a SKU that doesn't grant membership.)
  5. If these numbers match, then your memberships numbers are accurate. If these numbers do not match, then proceed to Scenario #2.

Scenario #2 - The number of Members shown on the Dashboard is higher than the number of memberships purchased on the form.

Ex) The Dashboard shows 406 Members, but the Membership Form Summary total only indicates there should be 404 Members.
This discrepancy can be difficult to find. There are a few key reports to look at:
  1. Check for Cancelled Orders for membership (Store & Forms / Orders.) Enter the date range and select "Cancelled Orders."
  2. From this list, open any cancelled orders to see if membership was purchased on the order.
  3. If so, check the contact record to see if the person is still showing as a member. Cancelling an order does NOT remove membership status - this has to be done manually after the order is cancelled.

  1. Check the Ordered Items Report (Store & Forms / Reports / Ordered Items.)  Enter the date range memberships were sold and filter for only membership SKUs.
  2. If you add the number of each SKU purchased (be sure to double the numbers that count for two memberships) and it matches your Dashboard number, a membership SKU was purchased but not tagged to the form.
  3. To resolve, you can click on the blue number in the Qty column to view a list of who purchased each SKU. You can compare these names with the names on your Form Report to find which memberships are missing from the form.

  1. If the Ordered Items Report number still doesn't match the Dashboard number, then either
    1. an Admin granted a manual membership and did not create an actual order for the membership
    2. or students are tagged as members when they shouldn't be.
  2. The best way to check for this is compare your Membership Form Report to your Contact List.
  3. Download your Membership Form Report to excel - detail (Store & Forms / Forms / blue Report button) and sort by last name.

  1. Then go to People / Contacts. Filter for all statuses and membership types.
  2. Scroll down the list of contacts and look for people that have the membership icon next to their name, but that are not listed as members on the form report. This will indicate those that were tagged as members without purchasing memberships.
  1. To check to be sure students aren't being marked as members if you're not tracking/offering student memberships, go to People / Students / filter for Student Members. This is a good report to glance through to help find discrepancies.
  2. If a student is listed as a member, you can check the orders on the contact record to see if the membership was purchased as an "extra" or see if there is no record of a purchase and the student was tagged manually.

Scenario #3 - The number of Members shown on the Dashboard is lower than the number of memberships purchased on the form.

Ex) The Dashboard shows 653 Members but the Membership Form Summary Report shows 660 memberships purchased.
This discrepancy could be due to:
  1. membership orders that are not paid (the system only grants membership after payment is complete).
  2. or if a person purchased too many memberships.
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Reports / Fulfillment Worksheet (This will only work if your membership SKUs have been set up as Deliverable.}
  2. If they have not, you can set them that way by going to Store & Forms / Catalog / select the SKU / Sales Information tab.
  3. Set the date range and filter for the membership SKUs,
  4. Scroll down to look for orders that were not paid and have a balance due.
  5. In this example, there are 5. These 5 memberships won't show up in your membership numbers or on your accounting since they are not paid.  660 - 5 = 655, which is still 2 more than the number of memberships shown on the Dashboard.

  1. Using the same Fulfillment report, customize the sort to be by primary contact name.
  2. Then scroll down and look for people who purchased more than one membership - their name will appear twice.
  3. If they purchased more than one membership, there may be an extra membership that did not get applied to a person, depending how many people are listed on their contact record. The system tags purchased memberships first to the primary person, then to the secondary, then to students.
  4. In this example, someone bought a total of 4 memberships, but only 2 people are listed on the contact record. So only 2 of the 4 memberships purchased are being applied.  655 pd members - 2 pd members = 653 members as shown on the Dashboard (the numbers balance.)

FAQ - How do I view last year's membership data?

When memberships have expired, it is no longer possible to view the expired data via the Membership Reports.

There are a couple of options - provided the memberships were entered into the system as orders and not just by manually updating the contact record:

1) Use the expired membership form. If you archived the form:
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Forms / Archived Forms.
  2. Use the blue report button next to last year's membership form.
  3. Change the dates, refresh, then download the detail report to excel.
2) Use the Ordered Items Report.
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Reports / Ordered Items.
  2. Select your range of dates.
  3. Use the blue numbers to see who purchased the different types of membership SKUs.

FAQ - Why are there blank lines on our membership list?

If a parent purchases a membership that is for 2 parents, membership status is given to both parents on the account. The blanks are contacts that do not have a second parent listed as part of the their account but have membership for that blank person. You can clear these by going to the contact card and removing the membership status for the second parent.

Important note:  If you sold the family/dual membership with the intent that it would count as 2 memberships - for your membership reporting purposes, don't remove the blanks. Instead, go to the Contact Record and edit the Secondary person's name so that a name will show up instead of a blank.

FAQ - How do I Record Memberships Sold Through the National PTA Site?

When parents sign up for membership through National PTA's website, National PTA takes out the National and State dues for those members.  How do we add them to our member roster but not have additional funds taken out to account for the National and State dues?

You need a way to identify which memberships were purchased through the National PTA site, so that you don't upload them again into their database. 

Create a new membership type for memberships sold through the National PTA site. This will allow you to run the membership reports and know which families need to be removed before you upload. See our article on Membership Types for more information.

Create a new membership SKU or SKUs for memberships that are sold through the National PTA site. Set the amount for this membership SKU to be the amount that you receive from the National PTA. This will allow you to accurately reflect how that income should be entered into your accounting ledgers. The SKUs will not be added to any forms. They will only be used to create orders in your Membership Toolkit system. See our article on Creating an Order for more information.

If the family is not currently in your contact database, you will need to first add them as a contact to your database. Then you can create an order for their membership purchase. It is important to note that when you mark the order as paid, the funds are going to be reflected in your associated accounting ledgers. If you mark the order as paid by cash, check, or other, then the system will create an entry into your Undeposited Funds. Once you enter all of the memberships, then the treasurer can record a deposit of funds from the Undeposited Funds into your Checking Account. (This is assuming that the National PTA deposited the funds into your checking account.)

There is also a new National PTA - Membership Upload Report available that produces an Excel spreadsheet of all members specifically formatted for the National PTA Membership Database upload pilot program.
  1. Go to People / Reports / State PTA Membership Reports.
  2. This report is available to all customers that have State PTA Reports enabled on their account. Please submit a help desk ticket if you need assistance with this.

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