FAQ - How do you diagnose why a user is not receiving emails?

FAQ - How do you diagnose why a user is not receiving emails?

If a user reports they are not receiving emails and/or newsletters from your organization, you can try to determine why by looking at their contact record.
  1. Go to the user's Contact Record > Email tab.
  2. This displays the Subscription Lists the user belongs to, all Scheduled Email, and a record of all Sent Emails that were sent either through the Newsletter Tools or through People > Contacts or Volunteers.
  3. You can view the content of the Sent Emails by clicking the hyperlink for the Email Subject.
The "Last Activity" column indicates the current status of the Sent Emails. If the status is "Dropped" - the user's email was not sent due to being unsubscribed, bounced, or a spam report. Clicking on the email subject will show more details about it, including the reason for which the email was dropped. (scroll down to the bottom)
  1. If the email address is on the Unsubscribe list the reason will say "Unsubscribed Address"
  2. If on the Spam report list, it will say "Spam Reporting Address"
  3. If on the Invalid Emails list, it will say "Invalid"

FAQ - What can we do about a User that is not receiving emails because of a spam report?

FAQ - What can we do about Bounced/Invalid emails?

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