FAQ - How do I Record Memberships Sold Through the National PTA Site?
When parents sign up for membership through National PTA's website, National PTA takes out the National and State dues for those members. How do we add them to our member roster but not have additional funds taken out to account for the National and State dues?
You need a way to identify which memberships were purchased through the National PTA site, so that you don't upload them again into their database.
Create a new membership type for memberships sold through the National PTA site. This will allow you to run the membership reports and know which families need to be removed before you upload. See our article on
Membership Types for more information.
Create a new membership SKU or SKUs for memberships that are sold through the National PTA site. Set the amount for this membership SKU to be the amount that you receive from the National PTA. This will allow you to accurately reflect how that income should be entered into your accounting ledgers. The SKUs will not be added to any forms. They will only be used to create orders in your Membership Toolkit system. See our article on
Creating an Order for more information.
If the family is not currently in your contact database, you will need to first
add them as a contact to your database. Then you can create an order for their membership purchase. It is important to note that when you mark the order as paid, the funds are going to be reflected in your associated accounting ledgers. If you mark the order as paid by cash, check, or other, then the system will create an entry into your Undeposited Funds. Once you enter all of the memberships, then the treasurer can record a deposit of funds from the Undeposited Funds into your Checking Account. (This is assuming that the National PTA deposited the funds into your checking account.)
There is also a new National PTA - Membership Upload Report available that produces an Excel spreadsheet of all members specifically formatted for the National PTA Membership Database upload pilot program.
- Go to People / Reports / State PTA Membership Reports.
- This report is available to all customers that have State PTA Reports enabled on their account. Please submit a help desk ticket if you need assistance with this.
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