FAQ - Can you return an item that has already been marked as delivered?

FAQ - Can you return an item that has already been marked as delivered?

If a user has ordered, paid for, and received an item but decides to return it, you will need to mark the item as undelivered, issue a refund on the order then adjust the inventory manually.

To mark the item as undelivered:
  • Open the user's Contact Record and click on the Orders tab.
  • Click on the Order Number.
  • Click on the blue "deliver..." button.
  • Enter a negative number (such as -1) in the Delivering NOW box.

To issue the refund:
  • Open the user's Contact Record and click on the Orders tab.
  • Click on the Order Number.
  • Then, you can click on the blue refund button and tell the system how the refund will occur (such as writing them a check or applying an account credit to be used later.)

To manually adjust the inventory:
  • Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
  • Select "Adjust Inventory" for the item that needs adjustment.
See the Knowledge Base article Adjusting Inventory Numbers for more information.

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