FAQ - Adding a SignUpGenius Volunteer Form

FAQ - Adding a SignUpGenius Volunteer Form

Creating a volunteer form consists of a number of steps, including naming the form, setting up the publish and unpublish dates and times, entering your volunteer opportunities, and configuring your emails to go out.

  1. Step 1 - Go to Dashboard / Volunteers / Forms / select "new volunteer form."

Getting Started Tab

  1. Give the form its own unique Title. It will automatically transfer to the Overview tab.
  2. link to a Signup Genius form

If you selected to link to a signup genius form, you will proceed with the following:

  1. Title:  Shows up as the title for your form.
  2. Extended Description:  This text will appear below the title of the form in a smaller font. Sometimes it is helpful to include a due date here.
  3. Mode:  There are four choices - Draft, Test, Active, Archived
  1. Draft mode is only available to Admins working on the form.
  2. Test mode allows your Admins to see the form and to use the form to test the functions. It will be highlighted yellow in the list of Open Forms and can only be seen by Admins. A form in test mode will only be visible if the Publish and Unpublish Dates/Times are current.
  3. Active mode is when you want your form to be available to your users!
  4. Archived mode is used when you are done with a form and no longer want it to be presented in your list of forms on the Dashboard. It will move to the Archived List.

  1. Publish and Unpublish Date/Time:  Don't forget these must be current or the form will not be presented in the Open Forms list.
  2. Once you Save, the form will then be added to the Open Forms block as a volunteer form option.

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