FAQ - Should I use a Store or a Form for Membership Sales?

FAQ - Should I use a Store or a Form for Membership Sales?

We always recommend using a Form for Membership Sales.

A few notes about Stores:
  1. Products purchased from a Store will not be presented on any Form Report. Therefore, we recommend using Forms when you need better reporting such as membership sales, donations, spirit wear sales, ticket sales, etc.
  2. If you allow purchases by people not logged in (i.e. guest purchases) only purchaser information is captured. This means their membership won't be applied to their contact record since they are not recognized by the system.
  3. Stores will not present in your list of Open Forms. Open Forms is your go-to place for users to make purchases and volunteer.
  4. You can't edit or override the sales information for a product, so whatever is listed in the catalog is how the product will be shown, priced, etc.
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