Email Receipts

Email Receipts

System Email Receipts

When any purchase is made from your Membership Toolkit site, the user will receive a confirmation email that is generated by the system. This is an automated response. You can customize what this Email Receipt will say. This should be general information and may want to include:
  1. Contact information for your organization
  2. Thank you note
  3. Upcoming dates and events

To customize the Email Receipt:
1.  Go to Store & Forms / Configuration.
2.  Select the "Checkout" tab.
3.  Scroll down to "Email Receipt Text" and type your information in the content editor box. This text will be presented at the top of the receipt the user will receive.

If you want to add more specific information related to the user's purchase, see information below about Form Specific Email Receipts.

Here is what the actual receipt looks like:

Form Specific Email Receipts

Form Specific Email Receipts are portions of the email receipt that are specific to the purchase from a particular form. For example, if you are selling spirit wear on your site, you can include information in the email receipt that is only presented if someone purchased spirit wear. You may want to include:
  1. how the purchase will be delivered
  2. who to contact for additional information
  3. event details

When a user receives their email receipt, the System Email Receipt text will be presented first, followed by the Form Specific Email Receipt text.

To create a custom Form Specific Email Receipt, go to the form and select the "Email" tab.

Best Practice
  1. For delivery purposes, we recommend having someone in your organization cc'd on email receipts. You can set this up per form so that it is specific to the person in your organization that is "in charge" of that form.
  2. If you choose not to use this feature, your can print the Orders with Details Report, but that includes ALL orders, not just the ones specific to each form.

Copy of the Email Receipt

It can be helpful to receive a copy of the sales confirmation receipt so your Admins know when a purchase has been made. During high volume times, you may not want to have this feature activated because your inbox will become full!

You can add multiple people to the list to receive a copy of the email receipt. Recipients of the copied email receipt do not need to have Admins Access to receive the receipt.

Option #1 - This can be done for all System Email Receipts:
  1. Go to Store & Forms / Configuration / Checkout.
  2. Scroll down to "CC on Emailed Receipts."

Option #2 - This can be done for Form Specific Email Receipts:
  1. Go to the form and select the Email tab.

Email Receipts from - Do Not Reply

Emails generated from the Membership Toolkit system include the following message:
"This email address cannot accept replies. Do not try to reply to this message via email, no human will see it."

Since this is a system generated email, it comes directly from our system. We do not monitor this account and will not respond if someone replies to the email.

Donation Receipts

If you are accepting donations through your Membership Toolkit site, you can include a thank you note in your email receipt that is automatically generated. This would be a Form Specific Email Receipt.

Possible Wording:
Thank you for your donation to the ABC Organization we are grateful for your support and generosity. Your gift enables us to provide programs for XYZ. Please retain a copy of this receipt for your records. No goods or services were provided to you in consideration of this gift. 

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