Duplicating a SKU
When adding SKUs to the Catalog, you have the ability to duplicate the individual SKUs. This is especially helpful when you are entering many products at once that will have the same or similar Sales Information or Options.
From the Catalog, select the SKU you wish to duplicate then click the orange "Duplicate" button at the bottom of the Product Information page.
You will have to enter a unique name for the new SKU, otherwise the system will not let you save it. Then you can edit the rest of the information about the product as needed.
Editing Sales Price in the Catalog
There are two ways to edit the sales price of an item, from the Catalog and from the Form itself. Keep in mind:
- Changes made in the catalog will be reflected on every form that the item appears.
- Changes made at the form level will NOT be reflected in the catalog for that SKU.
To Edit Sales Price in the Catalog:
- Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
- Select the SKU you wish to edit.
- On the "Sales Information" tab, enter your new Sales Price.
- Don't forget to Save!
Making a SKU Inactive
A SKU can be deleted until the time you add it to a form. Once you have added it to a form it cannot be deleted.
If you no longer want to use a SKU, make it Inactive.
- Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
- Select the SKU you wish to inactivate.
- On the Product Information tab, change "Product Active?" to "No."
Deactivating SKU Options
The availability of the Options (sizes, etc.) you have set for your SKUs can change. For example, if you ran out of the XL size on one of your spirit wear shirts and you don't plan to reorder that size, you might want to remove that Option from your forms.
To do this:
- Go to Store & Forms / Catalog.
- Select the SKU.
- Go to the Options tab and "uncheck" the option(s) you wish to deactivate.
- Select Save.
This will automatically deactivate that option on every form that contains that SKU, unless the SKU is already set to be "overridden" on that form.