Displaying Calendars

Displaying Calendars

Once you have created your calendars, there are three ways to display them:
  1. Full Calendar (Normal Month)
  2. Mini Calendar (Mini Month)
  3. List of Upcoming Events

Calendar Macro Video

To display a calendar on your website or in your newsletter communications you will need to utilize the Calendar Macro. We have a short video that gives basic directions on using Calendar Macros. Or, you can follow our written instructions in the sections below.

Displaying Calendars on a Website Content Page

To add one of these types of calendars to a website content page on your site:
  • Go to Website / Content / add new page / or select an existing page.
  • Set up your page settings, including a URL slug if needed.
  • In the Content Body, add the Calendar Macro using the "Add a Macro" button on the toolbar. You can add the macro anywhere above or below existing text in the content body.
A macro is a piece of code that tells the website what information to display.  
  • Select Insert Calendar.

  1. Select the Calendar Style (Normal, Mini,or List)
  2. Select each of the Calendars you want to pull information from.
  3. Select the Number of Events you want to display. (This only applies if you are using the List style of calendar)

If you are inserting a Normal (full size) calendar, you might also want to change the Content "Page Template" to either Full Width or Fixed Width instead of the Inherit (default) so that the calendar will display across the entire website page and will be easier to read. More about Page Templates.

If you created a new Content Page for your calendar, be sure you enable it in the Navigation so that the page will display on your website.

Displaying Calendars in the Left/Right Rail of your Website

Once you have created your calendars, there are three ways to display them on your website:

To add a calendar to the left or right rail of your website:

  • Go to Website / Structure. (The rails are controlled in the Structure of the website.)
  • Scroll down to find the Region "Primary-Rail" for the left rail (or Region "Secondary Rail" for the right rail) and select the "add block..." button.
  • Choose HTML Block.
  • Click add block.

  • Name the block such as "Calendar" or "Upcoming Events."
  • Type a title or any words you want displayed to your users in the HTML Content editor.
  • Add the Calendar Macro using the "Add a Macro" button on the toolbar. You can add the macro anywhere above or below existing text in the content body.
A macro is a piece of code that tells the website what information to display. 
  • Select Insert Calendar.

  1. Select the Calendar Style. (Normal, Mini,or List)  For the left/right rail, you will want to use the Mini or List style.
  2. Select each of the Calendars you want to pull information from.
  3. Select the Number of Events you want to display. (This only applies if you are using the List style of calendar)

The Visibility tab allows you to restrict who is able to view this calendar as well as the pages it is displayed on. If you don't select anything, the calendar will be visible in the rail on all pages to all users.

  • Once you have successfully added the calendar block to the structure, you can click and drag the block to position it where you want it to present in the region. Be sure to save at the bottom of the page!

Displaying Calendars in your Newsletters

You can automatically include a list of upcoming events in your newsletter. The list will be generated from your Membership Toolkit calendars.
  • In the newsletter block, click the Add Macro button. 
  • Choose either Insert Calendar (Number) or Insert Calendar (Date). If you choose Insert Calendar (Number), be sure to fill in the number of events at the bottom of the list that you want to be displayed.  If you choose Insert Calendar (Date), then be sure to fill in the "Ending Date" field at the bottom of the list.
  • Select the calendar(s) from the list you wish to add.
The events that are included in the published newsletter are determined at the time the newsletter is actually sent. If you create a newsletter on January 5 to be sent on January 10, the list of events that will be included are pulled from January 10 forward.

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