Disabling Transaction Fee Estimates (TSYS & PaySimple)

Disabling Transaction Fee Estimates (TSYS & PaySimple)

If you are using either TransFirst or PaySimple as your Credit Card Payment Processor, your "Payment Configuration" within Membership Toolkit will automatically default to calculate the approximate estimate of transaction fees associated with an order placed through your website.

Journal entries are automatically created for the posting of these estimated transaction fees to your ledger accounts. (ie. Transaction fees expense and transaction fees due liability accounts are both increased.)

Once you receive your monthly bank statement or your transaction fee expense statement, you usually need to make a manual journal entry to adjust the estimated fees entries posted to your ledgers to match the actual transaction fee expense shown on your statements.

Sound complicated?
You have the option to disable the credit card transaction fee estimation and automatic creation of those journal entries for transaction fees for both TransFirst and PaySimple.
  1. Once you receive your monthly bank statement or your transaction fee expense statement, you only need to make a journal entry to decrease your checking account and increase your transaction fees expense account by the actual amount deducted and showing on your statements.
  2. No more monthly confusion on calculating the “true up” of your estimated transaction fees to actual fees!
To disable the automatic estimate of transaction fees: (for TransFirst or PaySimple only)
  1. Go to Admin / Payment Configuration
  2. Select the appropriate payment processor tab. (either TransFirst or PaySimple)
  3. Scroll to the "Estimate Transaction Fees?" field and change it from "Yes" to "No."

Refund Sales Tax

If sales tax was calculated and paid in error on an order (ie. during a tax free event), you will want to refund the sales tax collected on the sale.

To Refund Sales Tax paid in error:
  1. Go to the order you want to refund sales tax on. (Store & Forms / Orders / select the order number to edit)
  2. Under "Line Items" click on the "edit" icon next to the line item to be edited for the sales tax error.

  1. In the "Edit Line Item" box, change the Taxable field from "Yes" to "No".
  2. Save changes.
  3. The sales tax amount that was previously calculated will now show as an Overpayment
  4. Click on the "manual refund" button and complete the refund information.

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