Customizing Content Pages

Customizing Content Pages

Single vs. Double Line Spacing

Using the "return" or "enter" key will give you a double space because the system recognizes it as a paragraph break. For single spacing, use shift+return.

Customizing Colors

Helpful Links for Choosing Colors in RGB and Hex Formats

Named Colors with RGB and Hexadecimal Codes:
This page lists over 500 colors by color name, Hex value, RGB value and Microsoft Access code number. You cannot specify these colors in HTML and CSS by their color name but you can use their RGB hexadecimal value.

RGB to Hex Color Code:
This page has a Color Code Calculator for converting RGB to hexadecimal or hexadecimal to RGB. In addition, it provides a color picker as one of the methods to color selection.  When you update one of the three input types (RGB, Hexadecimal or Color Picker), the other two methods will be automatically calculated and updated.

Creating a Colored Box of Text on A Content Page

You can add a box of content that has a colored background and border by editing the source code for that content page.  
  • Type in your content
  • Select the source code button in the editor
  • Locate the section in the source code for the group of content you would like displayed in a colored box.
  • At the beginning of the content add in:   <div style="background-color: #fff5d5; padding: 30px; border: 10px solid #ffe89a;">
  • At the end of the content add in:  </div>
  • Customize the colors by editing the color HEX code for the background-color and border.
Example Source Code:

<div style="background-color: #fff5d5; padding: 30px; border: 10px solid #ffe89a;">
<h2>Why should I register?</h2>
<p><strong>Membership Toolkit</strong>&nbsp; gives our PTA the power to <strong>make purchases, complete paperwork</strong>, and <strong>coordinate our volunteer teams</strong> online. The goal is to save time, and work together more smoothly!</p>
<h3>Once registered, you can:</h3>
<li><em>Join our PTA (and pay dues) online</em></li>
<li><em>Sign-up to receive important communications</em></li>
<li><em>Complete your directory information</em></li>
<li><em>Purchase school supplies</em></li>
<li><em>Purchase spirit wear</em></li>
<li><em>Access the online directory and app (for PTA members only)</em></li>
<li><em>Access to content website pages just for our families and members</em></li>

Adding an Email Hyperlink

Adding an email hyperlink to someone's name on a content page allows your users to click the name and email them in one simple step.
  1. From the Content Editor, highlight the person's name.  
  2. Click the "link" button which looks like a chain.  
  3. Type in the email address in the URL field.  
  4. Click "Ok."
  5. It will ask you if you want to include the "mail to" option. Click "Ok" and Save your content page.

Adding a PDF File to a Content Page

PDFs will NOT present across all browsers as images. Because of this, the PDF file is actually inserted on a content page as a link and you link to it like a web page.

If you want a PDF to present as an image, it will need to be loaded to the file cabinet as an image file (such as png or jpeg) and then inserted into the content or newsletter.

First you need to upload the PDF file to your file manager. This is done the same way as when you add a picture or graphic. After your file is uploaded:
  1. Highlight the text (such as "click here" or the title of the PDF) in your content.
  2. Click the Insert/Edit Link button on the editing toolbar.
  3. Click on the file folder/magnifying glass symbol next to the URL box.
  4. Select your pdf from the file manager and choose Insert.
  5. If you want it to open in a new browser window, choose that option in the Target box.
  6. Click OK and then the highlighted text in the content should turn blue.
  7. Save.

Adding a Video Clip to Your Website

You can add video clips to the content pages of your website, but first you must save them in an alternate location such as YouTube.

  1. Upload your video to YouTube.
  2. Copy the YouTube URL.
  3. Go to the website content page where you want to insert the video.  (Website / Content or use the ESC button from the page itself to quickly access the edit mode)
  4. In the Content Body section, choose where you want the video to go on the page, then click the "insert/edit video" button on the content editor toolbar.
  5. Paste the YouTube URL into the "Source" field.
  6. Use the Dimensions field to set the size you want the video to be on the page.

Adding Horizontal Lines

Horizontal Lines are very effective for breaking up content on your website pages. Use horizontal lines instead of underscores!

Adding A Horizontal Line
  • Edit the content page.
  • Position your cursor where you want the horizontal line.
  • Select the button in the editor to add the horizontal line.

Video - Inserting an Interactive Button

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