Account Settings - Dates and Times

Account Settings - Dates and Times

There are several important Date Settings that affect the operation of your Membership Toolkit Account.

Video - Account Settings

Current Year Dates

The "Current Year" Dates for your organization should be updated every year.
  • The data on the Dashboard for Orders and Emails is relative to your Current Year Dates.
  • Reports automatically default to the Current Year.

Only Account Owners can set the Current Year Dates.
  • Go to Admin > Account Settings > Dates & Times.
  • You can also schedule the rollover of these dates as part of the Year End Configurations.

Contact Data Expiration Date

Organizations should set a Contact Data Expiration Date so that the information in their database is current for the calendar year.
  • Go to Admin > Account Settings > Dates & Times. (You must be an Account Owner to this.)
  • The data for the Contacts in your database will expire on this date for your organization.
  • After this date, Contacts will be changed to a status of "Outdated."
  • Contacts that log in when "Outdated" will be asked to re-verify their information. 
Changing this date won't affect existing contacts. It only affects contacts who are creating a new account after the date has been set or who are reactivating their account from becoming Outdated to Active. You can set this date to update automatically as part of the Year End Configuration.

Contact Outdated Interval
Once a contact becomes "Outdated," they will be changed to a status of "Inactive" (or "Active") using this number. They will move from Outdated to Inactive (or Active) this many (interval) days after the expiration date.
  • Once Inactive, contacts will no longer show up in directories and reports.
  • The default is set to 45 days.
  • Setting this number to "0" will NOT work to immediately move the contact from Outdated to the status setting chosen below.

Move contacts to what status?
The default for this setting is Inactive.
  1. For most organizations, we recommend using the "Opt-In" policy and setting this to "Inactive." This means that users will have to log in and update their information in order to become Active again.
  2. For organizations with an "Opt-Out" policy, Account Owners can change this setting to "Active" so that all contacts will move back to Active Status at the end of the Contact Interval period. This is intended for organizations that allow a certain window of time for contacts to remove themselves from publications before they are assumed to be Active.
We recommend updating this setting BEFORE your contacts expire for the current year.
  1. Go to Admin > Account Settings > Dates & Times.

Admins also have the ability to manually set all of your users to Outdated or Inactive.
  • Go to Admin > Account Utilities.

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