Collecting Data on a Volunteer Form

Collecting Data on a Volunteer Form

You can add data fields to the opportunities on a volunteer form to allow your users to type in information such as what kind of cookies they will bring or how many bags of chips, etc.
  1. Go to the form and click on "edit this form."
  2. Go to the Opportunities tab.
  3. When you scroll down the list of opportunities with your mouse, the option pops up to "add a data field" for each opportunity.

Adding a Data Field
1. Data Type - Currently the only option here is Text.
2. Name - Enter a name for the field that contains no spaces or special characters. You can use the same field name for multiple opportunities on a form. This makes for nicer reporting because the data will line up in a single column on the excel spreadsheet rather than several columns.
3. Question Label - What the user will see on the form.  Please note: The user won't be presented with the data field until they have checked the checkbox for that opportunity.
4. Short Label - This is the label users will see once other users have added information to the field.
5. Public? - Do you want the data that is added to the field to be visible?
  1. No, don't show on volunteer form - do not show answers at all
  2. Yes, show who said what - show answers and who they belong to
  3. Yes, show answers, but not who said what - show answers only

To view the data field information as an Admin:
  1. Go to Volunteers and click on the form title.
  2. Select the blue number in the "Count" column.

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