Attaching Files with Submitted Forms

Attaching Files with Submitted Forms

You can now upload and attach files to sales and data forms so that when they are submitted, an admin can access the file. Examples:
  1. Reimbursement forms often require an image or copy of the receipt to be submitted. Now, you can take a picture of the receipt and upload it for the treasurer to view.
We have a Sample Reimbursement Form we can upload to your site for you to edit and use. Just submit a ticket to our help desk to make a request.
  1. Collecting photos for a class celebration. When parents RSVP they can attach the photo.
  2. Sponsor logos can be uploaded at the time the sponsorship is submitted so you don't have to email back and forth.

The option to upload a file is added to a form as a data field.
  1. Go to the form > Products & Data Fields tab.
  2. Select add a data field.
  3. On the Presentation tab, select File Upload from the drop down menu for Field Type.

The user will see this on the form:

They will click the gray button to choose and attach their file. They must submit the form (or complete the checkout process) in order for the file to be received. They will also be able to confirm the file was attached by looking at the "Details" section of their order confirmation receipt.

Valid File Extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, html, htm, txt, docx, doc, odt, xlsx, xls, pptx, ppt, ttf, zip, pdf, mp3, js, css, eps, psd, ai, zip, m4a, ico
Max Size: 8MB

Admins can go to the form report and download the file directly from the report.

These files will not be available in the file cabinet, but they can be accessed from a few other reports:
  1. The "view order" screen - just as you can alter data fields, an admin can remove and/or upload a replacement file as well.
  2. The "forms" tab on the contact record.
  3. The file names will show up in excel reports, but the files cannot be accessed from here.

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