Email Verification

Email Verification

Email verification is important because it assures the user has entered their email address correctly and it is a security precaution to assure that the person creating the account is really associated with the email being used.

Turning On/Off Email Verification

There are times when it is necessary or best to temporarily turn off the email verification. For example, if you are signing people up during a live event, the email verification can slow down the process.

To temporarily turn off the email verification:
  • Go to Website / Configuration / Welcome/Login.
  • Change the "Verify New User Email Addresses" field to "No".
  • Remember to turn it back on after your event! Otherwise, it will automatically default back to "Yes" at midnight the same day.
  • If you need to turn off email verification for longer than one day, please submit a ticket through our help desk and one of our team members will edit the configuration and set the date range for you.

FAQ - What does it mean when it says that the email is not verified?

There are three ways that an email may not be verified:
  1. The organization turned off email verification when the account was created.
  2. It's a secondary email on the account. These do not need to be verified.
  3. An Admin created the account.
It is best to have verified users so know that the email communications you are sending are actually reaching the users. Non-verified users will still receive communications (provided they entered their email address correctly.)

Users must verify their own email address, Admins cannot do this for them.  However, Admins can send an email to all non-verified accounts asking them to login and complete this process. If you go to People / Reports / Orphaned Contacts, you will see all accounts that do not have a verified user email associated with them and can send them an email.

FAQ - Where's my verification email?

If one of your members/contacts has signed up for an account, but has not received a verification email, there are a few things to check:
  1. On your site, is email verification turned on? Go to Website / Configuration / Welcome/Login to check.
  2. Did your member/user check their spam folder? They may have to check in more than one place if they use Outlook (or something similar) and Gmail (for example).
  3. Is their inbox at capacity? Some email providers will stop delivering the mail if your are "over quota." Have them clean out some mail and try again.
If none of these scenarios are the problem, create a Help Desk Ticket and a Membership Toolkit Team Member will be happy to assist you.
  • We will look to see if the login name was typo'd. If it was, your member will need to try again with the correct login email.
  • We can check to see if we get a message from the provider when we try to send an email. After a certain number of attempts, though, our hosting service will put a block on that email address!
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